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bonnieval says...

What's happening in our country is demonic. The enemy, Satan the devil and the powers of darkness are very real and if we don't believe that, then we are sure to continue down this path. The enemy is using the fact that we have allowed our education system to sink to such a low, that we are producing a generation of ignorant people. It is sad, when I see what is happening in our beautiful little country. We have allowed mediocrity to reign supreme, and it's in every strata of our society. We are a people who get very offended if we are told that we may be wrong about anything. That's ignorance! I am of the opinion that we as a people must begin to take responsibility for what is happening in our nation. We can't continue to blame those in power, we have to stand up for righteousness.
I know that many of our people have thrown the Church out with the 'bath-water,' but that's our only hope to change what is going on in our land. Think of it, If it wasn't for the Church and the people of the Church where would we learn right from wrong? Where would the good people be? It's only because of the Church and the teaching of the Bible that we are able to tell good from evil. I don't hear any other organization teaching or preaching about how to love one another, and how to be your brothers keeper. We only know what is good because the Church has attempted to teach it. Everyone in the Church is not right, but there are more right people there than anywhere else. We don't usually hear about murders and fights being committed at Church functions. These occur where people are usually not educated and there is lawlessness and darkness.
Our country was a whole lot better off when Education was sponsored by a number of the Churches. These two went hand-in-hand. Character education was the order of the day. We were taught not just how to make a living but how to live with one another. Our Churches are not perfect, but neither are any of the other institutions. I hear the cry for tolerance for every other group of people, but the Church. Why is that? I dare say, that it is the plan of the enemy to bring disdain for the Church, so that he could continue to wreck harvoc in our little Christian nation. People let's embrace education, pray and turn from our wicked ways, so that our land may be healed!

On Stabbed to death for a plate of food

Posted 8 April 2014, 4:54 a.m. Suggest removal

bonnieval says...

It's really something when we have the leader of our country breaking the laws and we hear nothing from those who make the laws or are suppose to enforce the laws. Why do you think this is? It's because the majority of them are compromised. They dare not say anything about the PM, because like some of you previously stated, this is a corrupt little country. It is so sad, sometimes I grieve about what I see happening. I'm away from home at this time and when I read the news, I really wonder whether I want to to return. I am torn by my desire to return and try to help, but things like this makes me wonder if it would make any difference. Bahamians, we really need to let our righteous indignation rise up, and change the direction of our country. A friend, once said to me that our country has been headed in this downward direction for so long, that he wonders if it is possible to return. I give the example of a huge ship that is unable to spin around on a dime, but it can change directions. It may take more time, but it is possible for our little, beautiful nation to change the direction it has been going in these past 40 years. I also believe that in order to change anything we must begin with the first step, "the desire to change!"

bonnieval says...

For the writer to compare the writings of God to a schizophrenic uncle, shows his ingnorace of the Bible and life in general. There is good and evil in this world and the Bible speaks to both good and evil! It's not a contradiction to talk about love, justice and punishment. These go hand in hand. The agenda of the LGBT community is to have all people agree with their life-style and agree that it is normal. I don't know the Science behind it, but I do know that sin caused deformity in the earth. They may be right that there are people born that way. But, there are people born with holes in their hearts, and many other deformities. Do we say let them them be, they were born like that. No! we look to Science and we try to fix it. To say that to use your bodies in an unnatural way for sexual pleasure, not pro-creation, is alright, and you should be granted the rights and privileges as those in heterosexual relationships have, is wrong. You have every right to disagree with those who don't believe the way you do, but don't say they are bigoted because your human rights are being taken away. It's not human to want to copulate with the person of the same sex. It's unnatural, and goes against the purpose male and female were created. Now, the community may not agree with God in that, but they have every right to disagree. God is not going to change what He says, on the matter! God has given us free-will to choose right and wrong. But, there are consequences for our choices. We must be willing to accept the curses for wrong action and blessings for right action. It's that simple!
Calling God names won't change the facts that God created male and female, and we are the only part of His creation who have decided to change the natural use of our bodies for an unnatural use. Get the science facts right, you would never see two female cats copulating or two male flies. It just doen't happen in the natural world. So Mr.Missick, please get your facts right, before you try to defame God's name. Remember, you are a created THING! God is a God of Love, but Justice requires that He must Punish Sin in all it's forms, especially because He already sent His Son to die for the sins of the World. These are the facts, try to read your Bible it holds LIFE in the Here and Now and Life Eternally!

On The Bible and LGBT rights

Posted 21 March 2014, 12:09 a.m. Suggest removal

bonnieval says...

What appears to be happening her is exactly the point I was making the other day, about our people. We are willing to do anything! If he is guilty as charged, then he should not have been in that position, because this kind of action should have been known long ago. So, someone was covering up something. If he is not guilty, and this is all a set up, then those who have set it up should not be in the positions they are in. It seems that we are so willing to do wrong, and think there would be no consequences.
This is at the root of what is wrong with our country, and the criminals see it, and then decide, well if they can do it and get away with it, then why can't we?
For things to change, we must first be willing to acknowledge that there is something very wrong! If he has been an officer of the law in the position he is in, for so many years and there was no known complaint against him in this regard, before now, then shouldn't we question, why now? Is it because he is speaking out? I don't know all the facts in the case, but something seems very fishy to me.
I see in the news that we are focusing on getting rid of all the illegals in our country, because they are the problem. I dare say, they are a direct result of our willingness to nurture a culture of criminality and lawlessness, from the Judiciary, including those involved in politics, straight down to the little drug peddler on the street. Yet we expect this "Christian Nation" to reap the benefits of Peace, in its communities. It's not going to happen, until we are willing to admit what is wrong, and then change.
We will continue to put a Band-aid on something that has a deadly wound.The programs that we are implementing will only address the effects, they will not and cannot fix the cause. And, we will continue to turn a blind eye to the wrong we do. We want to appear to be doing something about crime in our country so that people will continue to vote, and hope, something will change.
Just thought I'd give my two cents.

bonnieval says...

I agree that sport may be one of the things we can use to develop our young people. It is a fact that it creates a disciplined individual, and a disciplined person is not likely to get involved with crime. But, I believe that our young people need, and we as a people in general need our hearts and minds changed. We must remember that the young people that we have in our society did not drop out of the sky, like 'Topsy.' They were born and bred, or not bred right here in the Bahamas, and what we see wrong with, or right with them is directly related to our training or lack of training, in the home, school, church, or wherever.
We need programs, but I believe our young people need training of the mind and heart more. I think that it would help if our young people were exposed to more people who were good examples of what is good and true. The adults, in there lives must be willing to take responsiblity for being the positive role model. I'm not speaking necessarily of a mother or father, but someone, who is principled. Someone who will say, "I see something in you, and I will not let you go." There are just not enough good role models in our society, willing to be there for our young people.
I am not criticizing anyone in particular, because I'm incuding myself in this, too. We have to change! If we want to see a change in our society, for the better and change in our young people, then we the people must become agents of that change.
Just thought I'd add my two cents!

On The stone that the builder refused

Posted 15 January 2014, 3 a.m. Suggest removal

bonnieval says...

If hanging a criminal was going to be a deterrent to crime, or more particularly, the murder rate, then I would be all for it. But I believe that our problems lie in the lawlessness of our people, and I'm not sure when it began. I have my theories though. We have rared a generation of young people with no morals. There is nothing wrong with anything we do. If it feels good, do it! That has been our mantra.
I was listening to a sermon by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. given some 60 years ago, when he reminded the black American who was fighting for justice in America, to take a look inward. He stated, that there are some laws; both physical and spiritual and when they are broken we reap the benefits. He recalled, how the physical law of gravity is there whether you believe in it or not, just throw yourself from any 5 storey building and see what happens? In the same way there are spiritual laws. These laws were meant to protect us, but if you break them, you will suffer the consequences for breaking them. You don't have to believe in them. They are immutable! As a matter of fact I don't believe you can break them, I believe, they will break you!
That is exactly.what has happened and is happening to us. We have a broken society, that needs fixing, but we must be willing to first admit what is wrong. Start by looking in the mirror, and taking responsibility for what has gone wrong, then get together and work at making the adjustments. It doesn't take rocket science! Blaming each other will not fix it, tearing each other down with words will not fix it, and talking 'bout the government, definitely will not fix what is wrong.
Let the people of our Bahamaland come together, to truly change what is going on in our country. We can't expect to put a bandaid on someone who has his neck almost chopped off, we must do surgery. We must have a better solution than hanging someone found guilty of murder. We must go deeper than what a hanging will do. Hanging is the bandaid, It doesn't address the social, spiritual, and emotional issues that are so evident in our society. We must go deeper into the wound to get at the heart of the matter, which I believe is, 'the matter of the heart.' Let's look inside people, and get to the heart of this crime matter!

bonnieval says...

I concur. I thought it was only me, but I re-read the article and I still didn't quite understand what the PM was trying to say. It's such a sad situation when our leaders can't see the correlation of the high crime rate in our country to the lawless mind-set of our people. If we want to change what is happening in our country, we must be willing to change the minds and hearts of the people. We do that, when we admit that the, the "Emperor," that us, does not have on any clothes. Each one of us must be willing to take responsibility for our part in the demise of the moral fabric of our Nation. It includes the leaders in the church, leaders in government, the education system, and on, and on.
What is happening did not occur over night, and will not be fixed over night, with any number of programs. As a people we need to reflect and admit to ourselves what brought us here.Then decide what we will do about it. Then, go on and "ACT!" An acronym for "Acting now for Changing Times."
I'm only trying to add my two cents to the debate! .