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bravoqfox says...

this has to be the biggest joke for the year..... for everyone's info, we would MUCH rather Brent Symonette come back to St. Anne's. Chipman, Good MP, those two certainly dont go together.... Just look at his constituency office that just recently started opening, but take a step further and look right behind his office, much less around it!....... Bain and Grant's Town, Nassau Village, and dare I say Farm Road seem to have gotten better representation this go around.

bravoqfox says...

I feel your pain, however, she is not stateless. She is not prohibited from travelling or doing anything that she would want to do. She can very easily get a Jamaican passport, seeing as her mother is Jamaican and be entitled to apply for residency on the grounds of you being her father and provider. Also another thought would be for her mother to sign her parental custody over to you and you have the right to the child.
This is not a major problem. The way you may have gone about it makes an issue. At the age of 18 she is still entitled to apply for citizenship of the Bahamas, but she did/does not have to be stuck for the period prior to her 18th birthday.