Comment history

bri says...

Good Hair!!..not jerry curl!!

bri says...

This is totally unacceptable....what are our immigration officers doing. Too much of this nonsense being circulated about abuse in the Bahamas at the detention centre. We need to get this fixed ASAP. ....on another note, what was this woman doing at a bar while she had a sick newborn at home, but blaming immigration for not allowing her to breastfeed her baby!!

bri says...

Bahamian men and women!.....those of you that are lousy fathers please get out of jail and the bars and some woman's bed and get your sons in order! You lousy men are the reason the country is falling apart. Thank God for the Bahamian fathers that do raise their children properly; the rest of you need to step up or ship out to another country with your badly raised spawn! The rest of us are tired of the havoc that your bad parenting is wreaking on our country. Same goes for you mothers that don't teach your sons and daughters right from wrong. I am all for mandatory sterilization of persons that have no business reproducing. These kids that kill are victims too. My heart goes out to the family of the boy that was killed.

On Schoolboy dies after stabbing

Posted 10 December 2015, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

bri says...

I am not a wealthy Bahamian....and I do not take offense. Like it or not some Bahamians.... sometimes do not know how to act. Do we really want the tourists to see us acting loud and boisterous in the casinos..maybe even drunk and incoherent. Its sad to say some Bahamians dont know how to act civilized, and letting everyone into those casinos is a bad idea and will embarrass us all.

bri says...

What you meant to say was discipline SHOULD be taught at home. Unfortunately that is not happening. It is not fair that teachers should have to interrupt the learning process in order to discipline someone's extraordinarily unruly child. Police may not be able to discipline, but i assure you their prescence will deter the majority of the trouble makers. Teachers have been abused far to long. Some kids can be disciplined by the educators, but their is a different generation of teenagers out there that need tougher discipline, Most teachers are female and some grade 11 and 12 students are bigger in statue than they are. Let the teachers teach and the police deal with the trouble makers.