Comment history

briland6 says...

Seriously......retailers are concerned about foreign salesman??? Who do you think makes all the purchases from foreign salesman? Retailers of course, it's been that way in the Bahamas since the rock came out of the ocean. There are no rules or laws that say a Bahamian can't buy from a "foreign salesman", just pickup the phone or text to any company in the US and "boom" you've made the purchase. How about the thousands, literally, of Bahamians who continually go to Sams or anyone else and buy everything you can think of, and ship to the Bahamas. It doesn't matter and there are no controls on what brands come in to the Bahamas and there shouldn't be. Can you imagine trying to control every shipment that comes in on every Airplane and every boat. Get real.

briland6 says...

This new advisory is a disaster in the making for the Bahamas. Your only Industry, outside of managing money is tourism, and it has been this way for 150years and will be that way for another 150 years. This is no room for any politician of any party to minimize this situation. All resources, money, personnel, foreign assistance should be applied with aggressiveness and a multi-layered publicity and marketing campaign to combat this tourism killer. Forget advertising for new tourist, change the perception of this place being on the verge of being a dumpster fire now , with new, professional, critical thinkers who are focused on one thing dramatically reducing actual crime and educating the population as to the fire they are playing with.

briland6 says...

I was shocked to see the Tribune allow an opinion piece published without a ownership of who was writing the piece. Letters to the Editors, Op eds, ect. should always be signed. If the Tribune has a definite opinion on this matter let them identify themselves by publishing the opinion under the Editors signature. Shame on the Tribune, let's not lower these standards.