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briwest1773 says...

A nice "Christian" lady should not trust and cohort with criminals......she risked her life to go to the US. Why? She doesn't seem to be poor or oppressed in Peru. Tickets from Peru to Nassau cost US $1200-$1500, and she spent $6000 to the criminals. This lady was loaded. So why the rush to get to USA. It would have been better to find a US citizen willing to marry and get her a green card!....but NEVER trust criminals. I hope she is okay.

On Woman missing after vacation in Bahamas

Posted 1 January 2014, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

If she is really missing then God be with her, and I hope you find her. It seems that she came here not just to spend time with you, but really to get to the U.S. What she did was very, very dangerous. I really wished you had talked her out of it. May she be safe where ever she is.

On Woman missing after vacation in Bahamas

Posted 1 January 2014, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

Why did he leave her behind in Nassau? Couldn't he have assisted her with getting a visitors visa in the US......his story has more holes than Swiss cheese!!

On Woman missing after vacation in Bahamas

Posted 1 January 2014, 12:36 a.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

Not all victims of crime "are reaping what they sowed".....some victims are innocent. Grow up...that was a stupid comment. These jokers are even robbing and raping people in forgot the lady who was sexually assaulted cleaning the church...did she reap what she sowed????? So tell me should she think about what actions and decisions she made in life that led to her fate!!!...

On Hundreds gather for prayer vigil in Fox Hill

Posted 30 December 2013, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

I concur.....playtime is over...we need to get serious!

briwest1773 says...

Totally agree.....we are sitting ducks.....Jehovah help us all!!!

On Two men dead after shootings

Posted 27 December 2013, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

Sodom was once a thriving city too!....Time will tell!

On Christie: We have the answer to crime

Posted 20 December 2013, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

Government needs to understand that crime prevention starts from primary school..if we want the country to be better for those that will come after us...we need to teach our children to be decent human beings. Although that's a parent's job, if the parents are not doing it then some sort of program needs to be implemented in schools. Catching criminals is fine, but we are a society that is breeding criminals. So we must get to the root of the problem, which is, young people lack direction, and good life lessons. Unfortunately, schools will have to pick up the slack where some wutless parents fail...or else we are DOOMED!!

On Christie: We have the answer to crime

Posted 19 December 2013, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

So why does Bahamas Bus and Truck deliver their deposits to the bank and not hire an amoured truck service???? I dont get it.....This is not a mom and pop shop..they are a big business. With a practice like that no wonder they are being targeted by criminals...the person going to make the deposit is a sitting duck for thugs!

On Bahamas Bus and Truck robbed

Posted 14 November 2013, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

It was increased to 50k!

On McCartney murder: Police offer reward

Posted 29 October 2013, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal