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briwest1773 says...

The point I am making is that this is more of a political issue not just a humanitarian one. If the govt was FNM...the FNM's that are so loud now would be silent...and vice versa re the PLP. Pepole are more concernerd with destroying a particular party than they are for the Cuban people. If this had happened on papa's watch...many of the same ppl crying foul and asking for Fred's dismissal would be silent. My issue is not that pepole are defending the cubans, but the reason why. If we are defending the cubans out of love for our fellow man...then great!!. But if we are doing so to simply poke fun at the present governments obvious inadequacies, and belittle the country...then shame on us all!

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

I said in my comments that we go to authorites first in our country before we go outside. Maybe some of my comments are being deleted....but you people are mis-quoting me left right and centre....i never suggested that if help is not forthcoming that we should not seek help elsewhere. That was a ridiculous comparison......I may need a lawyer to even comment on here in the

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

We are a far cry from Germany, my friend...German soldiers make us look like a walk in the park. Millions of Jews died....if we ever got to that point...i agree the world should know.

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

this is my point exactly...reports say that a Bahamian gave them the cell phone...why did a Bahamian show this to the world....that Bahamian should have reported the issue to authorities and only show it to the world if the authorities did not respond...but we were so quick to show our country in a bad light because of these rogue officers....

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

everything else that u said was your comments not mine...abuse is wrong..and we should deal with all illegal activities. But I will not go on television and air my dirty laundry. Reports have said there are death threats against Bahamians because of this issue of abuse...that means all of us...not just the suppoerters of the government all of while we deal with our issues..we need to be aware of the long term effects of our actions. More work and less talk...90% of the talk surrounding this issue is just is not fixing the issue.

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

obviously u did not read my comments. The first thing I said was that abuse is wrong.

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

briwest1773 says...

I do not agree with the abuse at the detention centre...we should not violate the rights of detainees. Now with that being said....yall know that if a Bahamian had set fire to the detention centre the way the cubans did to ours....that Bahamian would get lost in a cuban prison..with no paper trail to say they were ever brought there.

We were wrong to abuse them if abuse did occur, but i will not drag down my country and side with people who are trying to destroy us. At the end of the day we are all Bahamians and the US and Cuba couldn't care less if our economy is in the toilet. I am not a PLP but I will not help foreigners destroy us by speaking bad of our country just to make the plp look bad!!!!

On Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings

Posted 25 September 2013, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal