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browngranville78 says...

I agree 100% with everything Mr. Rollins has to say about this gambling debacle, moreover the people that Mr. Christie indicated that he will be bringing into the country to advise the government on the numbers racket is not capable of advising us on anything. Didn't they investigate the fact that in South Africa the numbers racket is illegal so where were they able to obtain this knowledge?
Another point is that all or most countries in the Western Hemisphere, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Lucia, Republic of Guyana have had the opportunity to look at the various kinds of gaming that is Numbers, or National Lottery and they all opted for the National Lottery. Didn't it occur to Mr. Christie to ask the US at least why was it they didn't opt to go into the numbers business. Being a member of the legal profession of some standing and a second term Prime Minister, I am sure that Mr. Christie is aware of the reasons, so why has he decided to go for the numbers.
I just heard Mr. Bell commenting on what might happen if the vote is "No", that the country would be hard pressed to uphold the laws of the land. My question to Mr. Bell and PM Christie is when did it occur to you that upholding the laws on illegal gambling would be difficult. If it is agreed that we cannot support our laws in this case, what about illegal drugs, stealing copper, trafficking in illegal immigrants, when will we hear that it is impossible to protect the Bahamian people in these cases.
It seems as if the Government is rambling around in a stupor and I think they had better stop and think this undertaking through. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to reach out to the opposition and come up with a sound policy on this gambling issue. In fact this could be the beginning of a new trend in inclusive government because the country is crying out for this kind of joint planning.

browngranville78 says...

Yes, I am in agreement that the opposition should be a part of choosing an Auditing firm to look into the NIB fiasco. Also, I believe that the general public should speak out on the claims certain merchants are making on the Public Treasury concerning business loss during th current road works. In as much that I agree businesses that legitimately loose business as a result of the road works, I believe claims should be scrutinized so that persons cannot just pull a figure out of the air to say this is an amount i lost during the road works.
A business like Super Value and a Service Station could easily show an good estimate of their losses, while other small businesses who probably didn't keep proper financial records could use figures from their licensing renewals to show what their Turn-Over was for at least 3years preceding 2011. Apart from this the Government should not pay one cent and more-over as far as changing the roadway back to a two-way route, this should not even be looked at as the country as a whole have to have a say in a decision like this.
It is generally agreed that apart from some small changes like bus stops on Blue Hill & Market Street and all the other streets now that we have proper side walks the up-grade of the roads are a God send. The population have increased dramatically and we cannot go back to the way things were 10 years ago, so my advice is to get used to the changes.
Another question is that if it is proven that Mr. Moss has been abusing his privileges at National insurance, could it be that Prime Minister Christie and Minister Gibson will resign seeing that they will be held ultimately responsible for the Affairs of National Insurance, just a thought.

On Minnis wants to screen auditors

Posted 10 December 2012, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

browngranville78 says...

Why can't the government deal with over-time pay as well as non-contributory pensions for BEC and Water & Sewerage workers? How could we the people continue to be burdened with such costs. All of these workers make adequate salaries & wages, so why should we continue to pay these costs for them. Every other employee has to pay a portion of their pension, so why aren't they paying at least a part of this cost?

I am even more convinced that selling BTC was the best thing to ever happen. All Public Utilities should be transferred to Public owner with the general public participating in ownership just like Mr. Ingraham did with BTC. Why hasn't the Prime Minister indicate that
since his negotiations with Cable & Wireless seems to be going nowhere, he will eventually sell the government's shares to the general public and being the government would still have responsibility to overlook the operations of the business for the people.

On BEC's $24.3m loss swing 'a shocker'

Posted 10 December 2012, 12:23 a.m. Suggest removal

browngranville78 says...

There are many, many examples here in the Caribbean and the wider world where any leader would've asked for suspensions or an outright resignation of officers in situations like that in National Insurance. My question is, what will Prime Minister do if in the end it is found that Mr. Moss is guilty of something. Will he resign from his position as Minister of Finance and Prime Minister?

With what has been brought out, how can the Prime Minister allow Mr. Moss remain in such a position. Does he think the Bahamian people will sit by and allow these people to abuse the People's future? It seems as if we are again waking from a really bad dream, for it was just a short while ago we were faced with scandals like these from the same political enterprise.

There is only one other jurisdiction in the Southern Caribbean where these types of corruption activities are being practiced and I am sure we would not like to be compared with that country.

On Russell: Moss should be suspended

Posted 9 December 2012, 11:53 p.m. Suggest removal

browngranville78 says...

Mr. Christie did absolutely nothing during his five years as Prime Minister of the Bahamas therefore he cannot point to any accomplishments which his government oversaw during their tenure. Shortly after he assumed the government of the country one of his ministers became involved with the Korean Boat incident, then almost every month thereafter a minister or ministers were involved in controversy.
Now taking all of this into consideration could Mr. Christie explain when and where was he able to produce 22,000 jobs in this economy. We know that during the last days of his tenure he came up with some bird brained ideas to bring some billion dollar investments to various family islands. Only one of these potential ideas, the Bahamar Project showed that it could have been feasible but the investors ran into a stone wall when the World's economy crashed. Also, because the crux of this plan was based on the premise that the vast acreages of prime lands that was given to them were taken back when they couldn't follow through because of lack of investment capital. The investors main plan was to sell off the land in order to accumulate the funds to bankroll the project. This project was given life when our current Prime Minister had ti intercede with the Chinese government to borrow almost $3 billion dollars and had to make many concessions in order to get the project off the ground.
Another project in which Mr. Ingraham had to intercede in was the great Mayaguana give away where again, Mr. Christie and his band of Merry men give almost all the island away to the supposed investors and there again Mr. Ingraham had to step in when the investors couldn't come up with the investment funds and was able to take back considerable high value lands and adjust their previous agreements. Oh! Mr. Christie did make an attempt to construct our National Stadium but only got as far as putting some steel on the ground that was almost rusted away when Mr. Ingraham made an agreement with the Chinese government to construct a National Stadium for the country. So it cannot be these projects that Mr. Christie is claiming to be the basis of his 22,000 jobs, no someone has to ask Mr. Christie to detail how he came up with these jobs. Thank you

On Political Leaders' Biographies

Posted 22 April 2012, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

browngranville78 says...

I agree that the situation that played out the other day in Bain and Grant's Town showed how the PLP is so disconnected to the people of the Bahamas.
Look at that photograph of Dr. Bernard Nottage's face and you can see the madness coming through. He seems to be performing just like his leader Mr. Perry Christie when speaking at his rallys. These men are so desperate to be returned to power that they will implode when the results are given on the evening of May 7th and they realise that the people has turned their backs on them. During all the years they represented those over-the-hill areas they did absolutely nothing for those people, there is not one positive accomplishments that Mr. Nottage or Mr. Christie could point at that they did for the long suffering people of over-the-hill
areas, even after they were allocated some funds that they could do little things, they were too lazy to use the funds.
Mr. Nottage in his comments about his not being able to accomplish anything because his Party was not in control of the government was such a lame excuse that I hope he is able to listen to and read afterwards. He should offer an explanation about why was he not able to accomplish anything over the last thirty-five plus years they controlled the government and particularly during the recent years 2002 - 2007 when they were the government but still did zilch on their watch.
Now that our 'do something' Prime Minister has decided to take those people under his wings and do something to improve their lot, Mr. Nottage is determined to not let the people see what can be accomplished for their area and themselves in particular.
Dr. Bernard Nottage, Mr. Perry Christie and Mr. Brave Davis your time has come and the people has determined that you have failed them and you should find something else to do with your time.

On Nottage: PM refused to address people

Posted 21 April 2012, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal