Comment history

bucbean says...


Ansil Saunders is a great fisherman, a great man and a great friend of mine and my family.

He deserves recognition and respect and should be consulted about any and all uses of Bimini land, particularly the fishery.

With all of the controversy surrounding the use of North Bimini by the "Golf and Gambling" set I only hope Ansil is involved in the decision making process!

Yours truly,
Jeff Bean
Macon, Georgia

bucbean says...

This is awful...

I would wholeheartedly support a nice resort hotel in Bimini. In years past there have been plenty.
Raping Bimini's ecosystem is a very bad idea, and I cannot help believe that a respectable panel of ecologists would give a "thumbs up" to the "planned" development for North Bimini. I have spent many years visiting and fishing in Bimini and what I see going on in North Bimini frightens me.
No words can describe the degree to which change is being made.
What do you do now? That's the difficult question, but a solution should be worked out while further construction is put on hold.
Finish the buildings and infrastructure, but halt additional encroachment on "virgin" land.
Finally, any "opinion" Mr. Ansil Saunders might have about Bimini's ecosystem is probably as "good as gold." I have known and fished with Ansil for at least 50 years, and his knowledge is formidable and his agendas as pure as fresh snow.
Yours truly,

Jeff Bean
Macon, Georgia