Comment history

butlers says...

Why does it take an educated foreigner to point out our shortcomings? Actually it doesn't. We know all that he states here is true and yet we wont admit it and we nothing about it. There are thousands of Bahamians living in other countries. You wonder why they have no intention or desire to come home.

butlers says...

Mark don't listen to the stupid and jealous. Well written and factual. Thank you

butlers says...

All vendors in this country mark up equally from landed cost regardless of the duty rate.. Governments need to stay out of the business sector.

butlers says...

Price control is unnecessary and has never worked. Only exists to employ a few more government workers. Delete it completely

butlers says...

So what idiot is advising Customs. When was the meeting with all the freight carriers? PLP communism .

butlers says...

An Ombudsman is way overdue in the country. The really isn't any true Consumer Protection as far as the Banks are concerned. To bad it took so much pain and suffering for Mr and Mrs Spicer to bring this issue to light. These Canadian Banks enjoyed huge profits for many years and when the market got soft they continued to capitalize on the peoples throughout the Caribbean.

On Ombudsman urged to resolve bank disputes

Posted 16 March 2016, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

butlers says...

Agreed. In total

On Ombudsman urged to resolve bank disputes

Posted 16 March 2016, 7:50 p.m. Suggest removal

butlers says...

So well put..... and true

butlers says...

Banker, I'm a seventh generation Bahamian and I totally agree with your assessment. We Bahamians need to face the facts and the truth and fight for change.

butlers says...

Does anyone else here remember when L.O. Pindling and his immigration policy deported most of the foreign teachers in an effort to provide Bahamian teachers with jobs. Many of our Bahamian teachers, while certainly deserving employment did not have the degrees and experience to properly educate our population. Look at the curriculum of Saint Augustin's, GHS, Queens College etc during the 60's and look at it know. Education is the key to the future in any country, we have failed our youth by not providing opportunities for basic education.
The report states that only 18% of our graduates will qualify for higher education. True, However, out of the 18% that go off to College or University, how many will return to the Bahamas to contribute to society. Very few I assure you will return to a country of crime with
no leadership and no future. Who, in there right mind would want to build a family and invest in a future in this Bahamas under these conditions?…