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camila7 says...

Nelly didn|t have the needing to go to to U.S.(only because of love,yes, maybe that|s why she took that wrong decission)...I think the police should investigate more about the church where she assisted.. Investigate the main church in U.S., church in Bahamas and Julia Anderson.(Peru)..
Nelly trusted in Julia (as everybody in Potential church-Peru)because she was the co-pastor for a short time..
Nelly is one of the most beautiful women in Potential Church Lima-Peru, maybe some people were jealousy from her beautiness and that|s why they decided to kidnap her..
There are some people in the world who decide to found a church because they love God and want people to be saved by the word of God and Jesus and his teachings..; but other people ,want to have and they found a church only to get money from it..
Other people want a charge in a church because they need to be leaders or having some power or money...We should see more where our children go, who are their friends,,Most of people in church are young people and them for their innocence can be persuaded to take wrong decissions...

camila7 says...

I met Nelly at Potential church in Lima, she is a good christian woman..Always involved in church missions ,: giving the welcoming and Bibles to the new people in church,,serving and helping indigent people or orphans,,putting on her costumes to give the welcoming in church to children and their parents to attract new believers and lost people..A good innocent real christian woman, One in a million..She doesn|t deserve any bad,
We,her friends permanently pray for her.Miss her a lot..
Many people are searching for her,the channels of TV in my country are speaking about her and her case, maybe Interpol too..
I don|t know why Potential Church in U.S.A let a woman who was involved in children sexual traffic be the Co-Pastor in this church..The Police should investigate this church and the backgrounds of their leaders..And what about Potential Church in Bahamas, who were the women who appeared at the photos with Nelly?..They were women from Church??
Why she asked for help to her family to rescue her in Bahamas,..and she disappeared then..These women who appeared at the photos should be investigated..
Nelly trusted in Julia Anderson (the co-pastor in Peru for a short time)..Nelly used lately to go to her house after Sunday services..People should investigate Julia Anderson before she disappears..God bless everybody and change the minds of inescrupuolous people and give us back to our loved good friend Nelly...

camila7 says...

I used to go to the same church where Nelly assisted in Peru..She is a wonderful,good and great ,christian woman-Beautiful inside and outside.Nelly doesnt deserve any bad because is a good daughter of God..In spite of her age she looked much younger.Very beautiful inside outside ...Maybe it is because she has a good,innocent,heart...Always positive,hardly Involved in missions and church, you know helping poor children, orphans, planting flowers or plants in church, putting on costumes to give the welcoming to children and their parents, giving the welcoming to new people and giving them Bibles too. etc.She used to go on Saturdays to a cell group to read the Bible with other christans.. Everybody love her, miss her.and Pray for her permanently..This has affected to all of us,her friends,too,...We cant believe it could happen to someone so near of us..
But this case has to be investigated, she appeared at some photos with some women in Bahamas (maybe coyotes), what about Julia Anderson,the peruvian woman who was arrested in U.S.A. and was deported to her country,Peru..She was the co-pastor for a time in Peru..We trusted in Julia..Why did the main Potential church in U.S.A let Julia to be a pastotr with that background??--