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canuck says...

Couldn't agree more. Not sure i would describe Canada as a hell hole but spending extended time on Long Island is worth the effort.

canuck says...

As a Canadian I agree with you proudloudandfnm. We shouldn't travel to your country and risk bringing Covid with us. That would be a tragedy. Your healthcare system is not capable of handling the fall out from an outbreak. Instead if a Canadian feels the need to travel they should select one of the other Caribbean countries that want them to visit. There are lots of options for travelers this winter, Bahamas is just not one of the options.

On It doesn’t add up

Posted 11 November 2020, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

canuck says...

That is not correct. It is very difficult to find a testing centre which will test for travel and assure you the results will be back in 48 hours. The results may come back in 48 hours but they may also take three or four days. There is no assurance. As a Canadian who frequents the Bahamas the barrier is an huge impediment to traveling there. However, protecting the Bahamian people is more important that the ease of travel from Canada or anywhere else.

On The flaws in travel regulations

Posted 11 November 2020, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

canuck says...

The health and well being of the Bahamian people is far more important than a tourist's vacation. Everyone, including Canadians, Americans, and Bahamians should stay home this year and let the world recover its health. There will be lots of time for vacations in the years to come.

I am sure the efficient Bahamian government and the medical community are doing everything in their power to rein in the pandemic which seems to be an increasing challenge in your country and mine. Most Bahamians like Canadians heed the recommendations of their experts; social distancing, wearing a mask properly, washing their hands, and minimizing contact with anyone outside their immediate household. All these efforts will be rewarded.

The challenge for the Bahamas is their dependence on tourism for the well-being of their economy but I am sure the government will find the resources to look after the needs of its citizens without revenues from this source.

Stay strong and keep up the good fight.

On Fanfare - but still restrictions

Posted 15 October 2020, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

canuck says...

I agree with Mr. Malcolm. We have visited the Bahamas three times a year for the past nine years. This is the first year we won't be coming which is sad but it is so difficult to get there we have no choice. We have many great Bahamian friends we will miss and the island we visit will not be the beneficiary of the $5,000 we spend on each trip while on the island. Instead, we will go skiing and spend it in Canada. A shame because at least on the family island we visit they desperately need the economic benefit from visitors like ourselves.
We understand completely the need to be careful and protect yourselves. We wouldn't want it any other way. But it has to be reasonable. In the area, we live there has not been a single case since May. We don't have any difficulty being tested prior to coming and quarantining for 14 days once we are there but the time frames must be reasonable. Not only do they need to be reasonable but they can't change with the wind. We love the Bahamas and hope one day to return but not until we are welcomed. And we don't feel that way right now.

On LETTER: Roadblocks for visitors to Bahamas

Posted 11 September 2020, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal