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caribguy says...

Well done Shaunae!!! Allyson did what she needed to win and now you know exactly what you're up against, having already beaten Richards-Ross earlier this summer and coming second to McCorory earlier this year. Allyson is just about the most versatile female sprinter out there - able to run sub 11 seconds in the 100, sub 22 seconds in the 200 and sub 50 seconds in the 400. Having substantially lowered your PB in the 400, I know you'll be even better come next summer!! Bahamians everywhere are proud of you!

caribguy says...

Congrats on a fantastic performance! Always a pleasure to see Bahamians performing well on the world stage!!

On Jeffery Gibson wins gold at Pan Am Games

Posted 24 July 2015, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

caribguy says...

I am so glad it is not just me who felt this way about this man. Every time he opened his mouth about an "opening date" for Baha Mar, I literally cringed. He spoke with so much certainty, and was almost defiant at times, regarding the opening of the resort, that it just made me sick. Anyone with a brain could tell that Baha Mar was not going to meet any of the opening dates they set. As the chief spokesman for Baha Mar, he now looks like a giant fool in the eyes of the world. It is indeed sad as to what has since transpired, as I believe all Bahamians want to see the resort succeed.

On Answers, Mr Sands

Posted 22 July 2015, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

caribguy says...

Bahamians shining on the world stage is always a pleasure to behold. Both women (Arianna and Joanna) are such great ambassadors for The Bahamas. Wishing both the best of luck in their finals!!

caribguy says...

While I agree with the premise of what you're saying, what about the school's property is "ghetto"?

caribguy says...

Say what you will about the House Speaker, but I think he ruled fairly in this matter. Dr. Rollins did deserve his chance to speak and speak he did. He will now serve out the remainder of his time in the House as an Independent (or not, he may join the FNM), and most likely be a harsher critic of the government than even the Opposition may be. He will then almost certainly lose in the next general election (if he chooses to run) and fade into obscurity where he belongs.


Posted 18 June 2015, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

caribguy says...

Agreed, at least about the vote NO.

caribguy says...

LOL...that was a nice slap!

caribguy says...

Then who? Cause Bran is for all intents and purposes is FNM, only calls himself something else.

On Heather Hunt lined up for Yamacraw seat

Posted 12 June 2015, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

caribguy says...

As I'm sure many have done in the past, this is why the last few elections cycles have seen one-term governments, PLP-2002, FNM-2007, and PLP again in 2012. Diehards will continue to vote for their party, while the few willing to break with tradition will either vote for the other party, vote for a third party or independent, or not vote at all.

On MP cites poor leadership as the reason

Posted 9 June 2015, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal