Comment history

carlh57 says...

Your missing the's not the name, its the "character" associated with it...

On Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation

Posted 9 July 2014, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

amazing what money, bribery and a bit of history does for a nation...but remember...she's going to "unite the nation"....but the question is "how"?

On Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation

Posted 9 July 2014, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

Its time for new blood...not recycled old blood.....this country is going to dog because of the current "recycling" of PM's....

carlh57 says...

While national pride is a great thing and the legends honored are worthy of this praise and honor, it is a crying shame that the parties involved with selecting the imagery of the events invitation, chose a hawaiian conch shell blower, and not a bahamian conch shell blower.....

On Honouring cultural icons of the Bahamas

Posted 9 July 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

You mean I don't sound rational because i (along with others) can see right through the charade this PM is putting over on the people of Bahamas? Then yes, i'm not rational....

On PM 'puzzled' by US criticism

Posted 3 July 2014, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

What a complete idiot this PM not see that his own decisions (as well as lack of in some cases) has brought this onto this country...and to actually be "puzzled" that a country (USA) would stand by and not comment on Bahamas practices of deception, slight of hands, inconsistency, etc....buffoon at the highest level....Am sick of this nations government idiots and idiotic decisions...all on the back and cost of the average Bahamian....Too bad we can't ship his ass out of this country to someplace that deserves him, like an abandoned iceberg...

On PM 'puzzled' by US criticism

Posted 2 July 2014, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

shows how out of touch this PM really is with the state of affairs.....for him to be confused about this report...he's the one that has caused it!

carlh57 says...

your so right! And while we have no leaders to actually LEAD, on the world stage the Bahamas is looked upon as a joke. bumbling, childish, kids "playing dress up" trying to be adults.....all because of inept and buffoon politicians (regardless of their party affiliation)....sad sad sad...

carlh57 says...

They can buy nice shiny boats, but can they pay the fuel costs? Maintenance cost? Personnel? And yet thousands of government workers continue to not get paid, citizens lack insurance, schools get budgets cut, and the list goes on and on....bunch of buffoons and liars.

On New defence boat starts first patrol

Posted 30 June 2014, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

I'm sure such threats will continue until these politicians start actually listening to their citizens.....amazing there are not more on both parties....hate to say it, but surprised this is just the first time they have received threats....especially with the state of affairs here....