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carlh57 says...

In a report published by Waste Management World (leading waste company the the world), they emphatically state (and i am quoting directly from their report below):

"Atmospheric emissions from landfill fires are often dismissed as a nuisance. The following are two examples of just how serious the ‘nuisance’ is: Dioxin emissions: (remember the Bhopal disasterr?) The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) considers that for the foreseeable future, non-industrial, uncontrolled combustion, mainly comprised of landfill fires and illegal barrel burning, will remain the most significant source of persistant organic pollutants (POPs) in the form of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCCDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCCFs) in Europe (Thornton, 2002). Gases and Vapors: landfill fires emit a toxic cocktail of ‘Most Wanted’ fugitive gases including formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides and many others (OEPA, 2006). Visible smoke might not be visible since compacted waste acts as a good particulate filter, but fugitive gases are able to percolate towards the surface. Emitted smoke is a hazard and has resulted in the imposition of Civil Aviation Authority ‘no-fly’ zones. A particular problem with smoke, which is largely unburned carbon, is particles that have become activated, in the form of an adsorbent, with a huge appetite for mopping-up ‘most wanted’ contaminants. Very small particles, known as Sub PM2.5s (smaller than 2.5 millionths of a meter in diameter) are capable of remaining airborne for days, and together with adsorbed contaminants will pass directly into the bloodstream once inhaled."

carlh57 says...

Ms. Wilson, your statements are inaccurate, uninformed and blatant ignorance. In a report published by Waste Management World (leading waste company the the world), they emphatically state (and i am quoting directly from their report below):

"Atmospheric emissions from landfill fires are often dismissed as a nuisance. The following are two examples of just how serious the ‘nuisance’ is:
Dioxin emissions: (remember the Bhopal disasterr?) The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) considers that for the foreseeable future, non-industrial, uncontrolled combustion, mainly comprised of landfill fires and illegal barrel burning, will remain the most significant source of persistant organic pollutants (POPs) in the form of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCCDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCCFs) in Europe (Thornton, 2002).
Gases and Vapors: landfill fires emit a toxic cocktail of ‘Most Wanted’ fugitive gases including formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides and many others (OEPA, 2006). Visible smoke might not be visible since compacted waste acts as a good particulate filter, but fugitive gases are able to percolate towards the surface. Emitted smoke is a hazard and has resulted in the imposition of Civil Aviation Authority ‘no-fly’ zones. A particular problem with smoke, which is largely unburned carbon, is particles that have become activated, in the form of an adsorbent, with a huge appetite for mopping-up ‘most wanted’ contaminants. Very small particles, known as Sub PM2.5s (smaller than 2.5 millionths of a meter in diameter) are capable of remaining airborne for days, and together with adsorbed contaminants will pass directly into the bloodstream once inhaled."

So, Ms. Wilson, can you, or any other government representative now state with a straight face that these fires are harmless?! Get informed...educate yourself.

On Fresh probe into dump fire

Posted 31 March 2014, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

haha...yeah they are out due to recent we'll wait another three days for another fire to start up....count down to more smoke, pollution, poisoning, school closing, etc.....

On Fires at landfill ‘completely out’

Posted 30 March 2014, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

haitian and jamacian mason's i've hired work circles around bahamians anyday...and they are legal too....i doubt i'd ever hire a bahamian worker again, unless they can show me they are willing to work the way they should...

carlh57 says...

totally agree! Entitlement mentality is a disease here (and other island nations) and its the downfall of not only work ethics but work productivity and moral decay. "Give me, give me, give me" all one hears from a large majority of bahamian workers.....and generations growing up are already getting/having this mentality (thus the reason for theft/assault etc)...personally I'd hire more bahamians if i could find ones that want to work an honest days up when they say they will, work till job is done etc....but highly doubt it will be easy...

carlh57 says...

wow, welcome to the 21st customs and immigration workers! shift work...part of modern life. Part of making a living. Part of supporting your family. Get on with it...or get gone! Get over yourselves!

carlh57 says...

"Unions" just another outdated, antiquated, old thinking, money grabbing entity trying to maintain existence by living off the back of it's thing for this Bahamian workers is to rid the country of unions and start standing up for themselves.....

On Unions: We will not be silenced

Posted 22 March 2014, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

apparently you haven't been paying attention, reading publications or watching the construction as they have gone beyond what you mention. Also apparently you have not read their environmental impact commitment booklet.....after you do some studying then make some comments.....and if i may ask, "what are YOU doing to reduce the impact on the island" of your waste"? Since the government seems to be ignorant of and/or lacks concerns for citizens here about waste, it is up to the local businesses and citizens to do so....

On Baha Mar pledge over renewable energy plan

Posted 22 March 2014, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

very nice work. would be interesting in purchasing some!

carlh57 says...

"moot point". Nothing should be a "moot point" when dealing with peoples livelihoods and well being. But then again, this is typical of Bahamian politics, government and police force. Other "moot points" are land fill fires? theft? murder? economic recovery?.....

On '12-hour shifts pay a non-issue'

Posted 20 March 2014, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal