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carltonr61 says...

Those stringent controls by three pharmacists will never see The Bahamas reaping in billions from the Cannabis Travel market. On zero jurisdictions on this earth is this being done. The Bahamas is not a place. Who is going to make sure what the greedy pharmacists will sell as they all for money. The Intermational Investors with Cannabis dispensaries in NY Colombia and Canada and worth billions and approved by State Regulations across the USA have cut and ran. Never have they seen such a fiasco that differs do much from what was proposed presented and consulted on.
Grand Bahama, scoped out to be the place to generate millions in tourist's dollars will never see this happen as what is legislated and passed prevents and choke trade in the billions. The USA Federal Government is about to make Cannabis a Schedule III medication like aspirin. So, only in The Bahamas we will need a pharmacist to declare to an adult and pay over 100.00 for a prescription. These guys are out of their heads and living in a lost time zone hundreds of years on the past.

carltonr61 says...

So now the Police Force is working to protect pharmacists profits.

carltonr61 says...

It was a waste of consultations as only pharmacists dictated the outcome. Like a writer said earlier he sees the same f crap as Gambling Referendum. I wonder who got shares in the pharma boys profits. Ì

carltonr61 says...

And as part to maintain Gambling License. free food must be given back to the a$$e$ who lost their jobs and houses, But no money is spent on helping them cure their weekly, bi weekly, monthly or monies gained gambling addictions. Just a tearful national, disgusting criminal act by The Gaming Board with The Bahamas Medical Association.

carltonr61 says...

Weed dispensaries cannot even sell alcohol. But this bunch wants to sell ice cream to kids and marijuana. in the same place. And yes, gambling is classified as a Mental Health Problem .by WHO, UN, American Association of Psychiatry, EU, Canada, Australia and the world but we call it playing marbles while Bahamians gamble their business, homes and culture away. Only in The Bahamas if you have intelligence, black and poor, any stupid dumb and rich with money is always king..King of the pockets.

carltonr61 says...

And the phama boys cant deposit money in the banks so where will the drug money be? If the weed is in the pharmacy where pediatric and geriatrics are, and mannnn, high boy wants his weed now not caring for the FDA approved fix of civilians in the small room if they lite a medical joint then go into pharmacy psychoses. imagine the armed guards around their houses and cars and the guns pharmacists must carry,

carltonr61 says...

Too many cooks in that broth and nowhere do I see commonsense. Really now. With all that imposed restrictions black market will prevail. Only Minnis is out performing this batch of pharma cooks.

carltonr61 says...

If pharmacies could sell Popsicles and weed them as a Sacrament weed should be slowed in all places of worship.

carltonr61 says...….

Florida and many states think it obscene to be sell cannabis where children and teenagers are present and is a United Nations Crime as Cannabis is listed as Shedule I narcotics. Also, the FDA has yet to give the green light to Medicsl Cannabis. The Pharmacists have killed and still birthed the Medical Cannabis Industry. Over regulation has killed Canada Industry and these guys just don't have a clue about Cannabis buyers behavior. So sad. Absolut power with control corrupts. It is all about them still burning a potential Industry.

carltonr61 says...

Trump is the Boss. Long live Trump.