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carltonr61 says...

The thing is that Fentanyl is approved by the FDA fir extreme pain management. Like most drugs it can be abused or misused without authorization. Most deaths are due to overdose or ignorance while experimenting thrill seeking. Public education will lead to mass public rush to feel its effects and undue curiosity then massive use.

carltonr61 says...

In their system dies not equate to died from lung seizure and inability to breath.

carltonr61 says...

No excuses for the PLP but the world will face challenges as only wars are making money and it alone cannot drive the world economy. The peace dividends and construction buildup potential lacks hard currency.

On AG says he is not at odds with PM on Bail Act

Posted 26 January 2024, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Crime is social in our recent daily spree. These deaths are are not defined and more symptomatic as not organized in any criminal group like a snake with a head where you could just cut off the head. Brave's innovation as with all nations post covid, heavily influenced my life on the internet is face this detachment from reality phenomenon.
This virtual world devoid of sympathy, hope and dreams is a concrete dark world of life and death. But the only hope is to inspire the young that there is light at the end of the concrete jungle of under education, physical, emotional and spiritual depravity. Andros, the Big Yard must present opportunities and hope to our overcrowded communities now bursting with Abaco and Grand Bahama displaced.
All over crowdedness leads to the same condition thecwirld over. It us just our turn to do something about it.

On AG says he is not at odds with PM on Bail Act

Posted 26 January 2024, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

That do be rough especially when they refuse go answer calls emergency or at least send out an app message. Even with generators in place for power backup, in this age of crime it is unnerving when left without remote monitoring.

carltonr61 says...

The Police is having to divert manpower away from protecting our communities, family, economic engines of tourism towards social and moral protection. Obviously the Police cannot ensure morality that has its kingdom in family structures. As in failures of the USA andcWestern worlds that has moved away from protecting Christianity toward individualism with ensuring chaos anarchy and breakdown of structural cohesiveness and Christian social values. Deviant individual rights out maneuver what has worked to bring us through the ages. Going forward we only need to look backward to the days before Christ.

carltonr61 says...

An epic amount of history and secrets is gone. He knows all the transitional historical secrets between the UBP and the PLP. We discussed some but he refused to pen them or give me sufficient ingormation to do so. May his soul rest in peace.

On Dr Elwood Donaldson dies age 86

Posted 21 January 2024, 8:26 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Some persons out of ignorance, underestimate Marijuana financial potential being used for decades to arm neighborhood. As government seeks to take control of this problem through cannabis legislation, the public must read jp on nations that saw crime dropped after gangs lost their 100% of sales as thus deranged them. In Canada that legalized cannabis, because of the high price of government controlled sales, though safer persons returned to the cheaper street market.

carltonr61 says...

These are non traditional murders just seeming not about the drugs or established gangs. These pickets of insanity seems to be simply, criminal outlaws as there appears to be no head to this snake to decapitate. One thing is evident, being the massive amount of weapons, a trade all NY itself but still linked to drug gangs who protect their shipments.
The adult use of Cannabis remains major market and draws billions in profit until government finds a mechanism to harness it'd financial power and take it from street control where gangs have their own policing system and social structures.

On EDITORIAL: Crime is now govt’s top priority

Posted 16 January 2024, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Political gas lighting slinging alarm and fear should be a crime because of the damage it can cause This alarmist gimmick smells of deep destructive shameful desperation.

On ‘No mask mandate’ as COVID cases rise

Posted 11 January 2024, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal