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carltonr61 says...

Because of this G7 agenda Africa, India, China, alpngvwith old Europe are siding with Russia. G7 has broken the wrists of many nations spirituality by economic blackmail to accept their satanic agenda against the Church , family andcGod. If you are trans you stand a 100% chance of guaranteed high paying job in G7 pushed by powerful nations rules. But power and money foes not mean you are correct. Many Bahamians will suffer after the collapse of G7 world order of colonialization through hybrid warfare that attacts old ways culture, spirituality, Biblical truth to multiply, and saying no to Adam and Adam, and discrediting marritial Holy Union with the female saying my body not our body is one.. why not attack the immorality of 90% of our women who are unwed and have multiple children daddies? But partner rape does not happen to them neither the lost of of a father because they have many. G7 hates the Bible and we are following them. BRICS nations are spreading so too their rules on cultural non interference. India though not a Biblical nation has a problem with the U N asking them to accept 204 sees, as they only know male and female.

carltonr61 says...

The bar room women consensus today stated 'If he don't want it and take it don't fool yourself, he getting it somewhere else or want what you want.

carltonr61 says...

Men who deposit children about and rolling stones will never be charged with rape. Men who take family responsibility serious are most often inflicted with the harsh reality that all the odds are stacked up against them. The single rouge men are laughing at the married fool men bragging how women never was no good and now they will lock up their husbands. Women with multi fathers never get raped by their husbands, only wives with one husband.

carltonr61 says...

Males while dating normally sticks to the most sexually compliant female. She could be as ugly as hell. Or, if she has a good job or money he will pretend and put up with her courting non sex rituals and in some cases a compliant male turns out to be gay after the marriage.
Females seeking marriage hopes that the dude she beds with for years and learns to compliament with his sex cycle, keeping him and all his money home one day pays off. If he takes it before marriage he will take it after marriage.
So one day after the couple accumulates a house wife decides she could be independent without his presence just his paycheck. So she holler rape, and with little child woman gets hold if the house and husband returns to mom. There are far more men wounded by wives who then call themselves independent.

carltonr61 says...

Amen Pastor Major. Primarily, so far in the international arena, only the political class, the Pastors, legal class and millionaires were brought before the courts. Money was in all cases paid out in silence to protect professional Titles. Or would be amusing to see politicians and Pastors sign their owndeath warrants.

carltonr61 says...

The release of the happy drug, Dopermine, in its mist natural firms are laughter, happiness, Sanctified Christian - among other religions, exertion to flat out exhausted, orgasm, faith, hope. Relaxation & Cognizant Behavior Theropy CBT for mind control self awareness and health
Dopermine can be induced artificially to relieve depressions by eating sweets. However the side effects are loss of sight, obesity, kidney failure, cancers, dependency, loss of toes and limbs, anxiety without it.
Alcoholic beverages with known side effects. Personality disorders, dependency , high blood pressure, strokes, liver damage, anxiety without it.
Opioid pain killers. Anxiety without it, possible death by overdose.
Cocaine same as gambling. Mental health issues. Depression , poor diet, anxiety without it, loss of finances , threat to job, loss of trust, degrade in actual lifestyle, heaven borrowing, dependency chronic habit forming, becoming a part of dreams.
Marijuana. Zero death rate. Low THC euphoria high CBD relaxant referably for medical use. THC above 18% possible paranoia, excess Dopermine release, slow physical reaction to danger at any dose, lowest percentage dosage as its use depends on individual tolerance - so traditional pharmacists and doctors refer to persons certified in Cannabis Use for Primary Medical Care, like myself. CAMH Canada.

carltonr61 says...

The recently released volumes of information contained in The 2022 United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, UNODC is the first that I am aware of that gives a 100% comprehensive breakdown on the effects Cannibas Legalization around the world. The Bahamas should be very safely going forward.

I could go exhaustive on this issue, I am Cannabis Certified. The highlights of the UNODC that The Bahamas as with all nations should delve into are the opportunities to infirm adolescents of the particular dangers upon their majoring brains and medical doctors have a greater leverage in offering relief from forms of chronic and debilitating pains where patients prefere not to become opioid addicts. The UNODC was very flexible in taking note of different cultures regarding decades old endemic Cannabis use.

In The Bahamas resetting Cannabis prohibition and stigmaization will be a relief for thousands after years of criminalization that for the most part delayed Cannabis research as it was suddenly placed under Shedule One from being apart of USA 1850 to 1941 medicine Pharmacopeia. Listed, are ailments for labor pain, nausea, and rheumatism.

Brave is making the 100% correct decision based on the findings of the UNODC. Doctor Darville will be in full alignment with Wellness Innovations.
The side effects of prescribed medicines from the Opium Poppy, that we all were prescribed after surgery and stitching up simply overwhelmed the release of the neurotransmitter Dopermine the sweet reward chemical of our being causing dependency and acute addictions possibly to death. Opioids are killing around the world daily while Cannabis far gentle in Dopermine release based on THC level.
By some law of nature the cannibinoids produced by the body, Anandermide and 2AG are identical in function to the chemicals in the female Marijuana flower, and she is most powerful or bioactive when heated.

carltonr61 says...

Then we need to stop calling Sir Lynden Pindling the Father of The Nation. In Sir Pindling's great wisdom, gambling was a negative habit that destroyed families, impoverished and was would not allow Bahamians to experience thecBahamian Dream of home ownership and prosperity. Since the anti Pindling Bahamians kegalized gambling thousands of Bahamians haveclist their homes their minds and vanks have closed down.

carltonr61 says...

What a danger ignorance and greed can behold. eow. a sick mind. very sick.