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carltonr61 says...

For the past 50 years a large percentage of our population has been self medicating for sure, and especially our professional students who return from USA and Canadian Colleges. What the UN Office of Crime and Drugs is requesting that efforts must be made at intervention in Adolescent Cannabis use that is no longer a free for all black market item but regulated. Cannabis de-energizes the Adolescent brain at the most potent production phase of development and potential bringing on a too relaxed state of being reserved for aftet the rigors and stresses of adult life.

On Cannabis Bill debate to start on Monday

Posted 14 July 2024, 7:31 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Cannabis is still listed as illegal according to USA Federal law. It is impossible to become a MD of Csnnabis use. The license just does not exist. I have license to assist Prinary Care Specialist in Cannabis. Canada CAMH. Center for Adduction and Mentsl Health.

On Cannabis Bill debate to start on Monday

Posted 14 July 2024, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

It is a matter of preference. THC has been approved at a molecular purity by FDA. however, Cannabis works best when its full spectrum is used which includes terpens natural flavoroids that impact the moods. What is important is the ratio of THC to CBD and the percentage of either. To add to that, tolerance. 1970s THC was at 3%. 2024 THC is at plus 18% per single shallow inhale for one second. Effects within 45 seconds beginning with cranial nerve #2 the eye, which begins to close and possibly release pressure. Ingesting THC takes a longer time to bioactivity depending on what else is ingested along with digesting time. For persons who have long long chill time 3 to 1 THC/CBD or a full load 4/4. For inflammation 4/4 CBD, zero THC psychoactive.
Tritation is important whereby always test first with low and slow.

On Cannabis Bill debate to start on Monday

Posted 13 July 2024, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

It is great that the Advanced Medical Research Fields of UK, Canada, Germany, across the USA but especially at The University of Mississippi have delved into areas of persons suffering year long pains, where Opioids were causing side effects and death. The Bahamas Medical Association also see the need to follow The Medical Evidence that has shown great results across the globe.

It is just so difficult to explain that Cannabis mimics two chemicals produced by our brain, 2AG and Anandamide (Israeli Doctor 1995, Raphael Mechoulam) after tracing where THC landed in the brain. 2AG with An (endo - (within the brain) - cannabinoids) are responsible for a host of responses including: mood, appetite,Muscle control, pain response, blood pressure, sexual arousal, thirst, inflammation, memory, sleep, body temperature etc,

THC and CBD (phyto - (from plants) - cannabinoids) from the Cannabis plant produces all the human responses above. So Doctors have a wide window spectra of conditions that could be addressed.

.cannabahamas@gmail,com. Cannabis Consultant

On Cannabis Bill debate to start on Monday

Posted 13 July 2024, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

I think only Grand Bahama has the amenities already wired in its sophistication, quietude, laid back low social stresses to apply to these innovations. Sally boutique resorts will have to expand also to cater to the age 50 to 80, persons who are seeking stress free environments to deal with Palliative Care, neuropathic and chronic pain relief.
Health and Wellness Tourism Brand is not new and we are well positioned to join the game that most countries around the world that offer that service are land locked and not free beachfront beautiful waters.
Britain has the world's greatest Medical Cannabis Labs where persons the world over get the promising evidence based treatment for Autism. Colorado, the Meditation and Canada probably lead the world in Wellness and Leasure Tourism. We just have to make ourselves available to to the global business by opening up our laws to Medical Cannabis and the door will become open to us Mr. Cooper.

carltonr61 says...

Discombobulated accordingly

On ‘We need answers on missing Taylor’

Posted 1 July 2024, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

France is going through problems.

carltonr61 says... Cannabis Consultant.

All small Out Island resorts should follow the innovative direction the PLP is creating in adding The Bahamas potentially to Germany, UK, Canada, USA and most of the EU and Australia to Cannabis Wellness Tourism.

Tourists like to sample native organic regional blends grown under natural sunlight with normal THC/CBD at plus 3% yo 8% average. The 24 hours in-light growth produces 15 to 18% potency or up to 25%. International tourists who smoke among 147 million, prefer 7 major differing aromas or terpens as blends switch then add to the relaxation and medical effects.

All Out Island Resorts should prepare themselves to enter this very very lucrative and demanding tourist stream.

carltonr61 says...

Six EU countries — Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic — have hard-right parties in government according to Politico. After Czeck Republic and Hingary, France had now joined the club. Populations across the Whole Europen board are against Left Wing issues of being childless, pro sexual-a-go-go, and Russia phobia through hybrid warfare and sanctions to colonize The Russian Federation as the Anglo-Saxons split then owned Africa. All in the EU NATO and Wall Street wet dreamed financially on the ownership then profiteering of Russian massive Natural Resources. The Left Wing EU invested 20 years of capital in defeating Russia using Ukraine, but they are at the brink of either nuclear war or still total collapse

On ACTIVTRADES: Europe on the brink

Posted 1 July 2024, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

There has been some setbacks due to the Cannabis market being new. Jamaica saw years of international tourists in the milluons because of their down home music festivals, and else happened. But, Jamaicapure that made Jamaica a very successful tourist destination was denied access to the bloated North American markets. But The Bahamas, coming in from the rear sees the mistakes happening in this growing international and profitable niche tourist travel destinations industry. The PLP will deliver.