Comment history

carltonr61 says...

I tested it yesterday. Nice. Very nice drive.

carltonr61 says...

The Bahamas Medical Association has billions to gain by enforcing Problem Gambling initiatives rather than let the gaming houses run their own program.

On Alcohol, drugs and gambling

Posted 22 February 2023, 9:58 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

This writer has gone too far on ignoring the fact that this human body and mind ails and could be mended to alleviate sufferings of mental and physical pain, injury and death. Throughout history God has given mankind the will and wisdom to seek unseen spirituality to be aware of his presence, breathe air, eat food, drink water or use natural products to preserve life. If a wound is treated with the correct leaf the most ancient if man preserved human and feed animal life. To deny the most ancient gift of service, love and the preservation of life through medicine must be questioned upstairs. Could oxygen if abused kill? yes. So to too much water or food all fir the sustenance of life. Could a blood transfusion or operation save life? Well that has been the quest of civilization. Even dogs like their wounds. Being philosophical about science and religion is dangerous.

On Alcohol, drugs and gambling

Posted 22 February 2023, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The Medical Board of The Bahamas sure did shamefully and criminally exercise 100% delinquency by remaining silent in the face of The American Association of Psychiatry declared Gambling DSM-5 and as equal an addictive threat as cocaine. Cocaine use cannot be moderated so too Gambling. The difference being, cocaine is a substance that 100% impacts the reward centers of the brain well, does Gambling, only, it is a personal behavior that makes one as powerless. No wonder Gambling earned 7 billion dollars fir gaming houses which is 7 billion dollars lost to families and workers. The Medical Board and all related Associations remained quiet and delivered the deadly medicine of gambling upon our people. Each year the doctors at Sandilands declare Gambling an addiction according to who/paho/un declarations. Gambling creates mental diseases whereby persons smile while spending the last of their mortgage money, childcare, nutrition, utility bills, ferments massive prostitution debilitated spiritual and academic pursuits, destroys the self, family and lived ones further the social activities (Canada Association of Mental Health) of parents who encourage children to gamble, those end up totally addicted. Gambling becomes breakfast, lunch, dinner and prayer time with extatic dreams of a win same as cocaine addicted persons.

On Alcohol, drugs and gambling

Posted 22 February 2023, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

@Tal. But Christie placed us under the yoke of China. He also created the black equivalent of the Bsy Street ruling merchant class in the form of numbers barons. They now control the economy of the Bahamas as did Bay Strret Merchants, only the UBP left Bahamians with money in the treasury while black rule has us owing 11 billion dollars and the numbers racket owning 7 billion dollars with the poor squeezing their pockets out to gamble.

carltonr61 says...

The Bahamas, praising, the child of Hitler does not like black people at all.

carltonr61 says...

Barbecue is a modern-day Toussaint Louverture. Again, the Anglo Saxons are trying to defeat Haiti, and Trudeau is throwing a repeat of history.

carltonr61 says...

Toussaint Louverture also was a gang leader to the all historical French/Canadian. Imperialists are like leopards.

carltonr61 says...

Canada has Haiti colonized, and is their slave Master owning all of its gold while depriving Haitians of their trillions in natural resources wealth. Under Canada, Haiti is a slave state.

carltonr61 says...

All of G7 climate change instigators are back go coal burning. Poor nations are being asked to pay for climate change even though we make up .5% of pollution.

On John Kerry: US ‘delegation here to listen’

Posted 15 February 2023, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal