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carmichaelrdgal says...

Start in Nassau too now. Milo Butler Highyway left side going towards carmichael rd, just in back of the government subdivision-High tree Estates. What a shame. Is like they try to hide by leave little bush in front near the highway.


Posted 3 February 2014, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

Boy oh boy! So sad to see two pilot came in together and only one got jailed. Two friends and tell me only one knew about the drugs. haaaa. dats exactly how things turn out wrong in the end. Expolice pilot knew what he was doing when he let his friend take that stuff in. Expolice pilot didnt even tell his friend in prison he was going to appeal to try get out. Well collie learn a damm good lesson, drugs dealin is dirty. ya friend aint ya friend. ya, wife and children did their best even though they knew it wouldnt work cuz you was the bearer of the drugs. expolice will b back soon. what goes around comes around.

On Sentence for pilot in drugs case upheld

Posted 17 January 2014, 3 a.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

Time to call election. Chase those crazy ballheads otta de house

On PM reveals plan to tackle crime

Posted 1 January 2014, 6:38 a.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

Bad parenting. Charity starts at home and ends abroad. Home is the key factor to this problem. Bend the tree while they young. Go in da schools, we use to be scared of the teachers, is it so now. Pretty well dressed what kind of kids going to school. Look at the size of a grown student backpack mostly in the government schools, only big enough to hold brush, comb etc. Parents put more into your children. You reep what you sow. If you sit back in the house watching tv and let the street grow them up what do you expect?

On Police will use 'severe methods' if necessary

Posted 31 December 2013, 4:20 a.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

That police didn't shoot to kill. I know it sounds crucial but I wud have taken another potential killer out did world. Imagine the fear he put those people through in dat store, for jus goods that will not last. Y'all may say give him a chance. I live near a house with only young boys who harbours other boys and sad to say they never have anything decent to talk about. They always playing loud cussing music, smoking/selling drugs. I wouldnt be suprise when this end if the parents don't get executed with dem too cuz they always coverin up for dem. They had their car burn down before because of these boys but still have them livin under their roof and all are over 20. Three of themwas shot before and still no changes. All I can say is parenting plays the most important role in developing a good society. I know what most people wanted to hear was to the gallow they will go. Why build more court if the prison is full?

carmichaelrdgal says...

Dats when dey only runnin for the money

carmichaelrdgal says...

Das when errybody knows errybody. The system will be corrupt. All yall lookin at now is the dummie who use to be quiet in school when asked a question. Didnt care to learn sh**. Now they running the country. Perry dem aint runnin Sh**, cuz this is what you call lawless.

carmichaelrdgal says...

Yeah good, if witness get threats dam you spend xmas behind bars. Don't come out here to add to the count before di year out! You think the court does anything round this time aye?

carmichaelrdgal says...

Why we can't have EMH do a better job with making sure residence keep their yards clean and stop collecting old cars bus boats & other sh++s. Its hard to have to pickup other peolple's dirt that they drop and wind blow infront your yard. Also check round these government pump, why so dirty

On New schedule for waste collection

Posted 24 December 2013, 5:09 a.m. Suggest removal

carmichaelrdgal says...

Time to call election.
Get those do nothings out. We need real people to run this country not all for me babies and the police force needs a total change, everyone knows each other is no good for a place to run properly. Bahamas needs to get more serious. Even when police goes to the island, they are everyone friend for lil bit of conch, fish and whatever. that's not how an officer should be. Do yall job all the time and stop letting people yal know get away with crap.
This place is too small for hit and run. May God allow his conscience whip him so badly that he turn his dam ass in. How can you live that way?

On Shot woman was robbery victim

Posted 12 December 2013, 2:51 a.m. Suggest removal