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casinojoe74 says...

well, april's over now... and that pretty much says it all...

casinojoe74 says...

Expats worked just as hard and sacrificed just as much as anyone else. Even more if you consider we uprooted our families, left other jobs, got kicked out of the Bahamas when our visas expired and had to find new homes, employers, schools for our kids, etc... correct me if i'm wrong, but the Chinese construction company of America and their 5,000 workers were paid in the end right? hmmm... maybe when Perry loses the election in May the new PM will sort things out for us. Personally, I'd give up my owed money to see him rot in a Chinese jail. But mr Perry, if you're reading this, you should know that the remaining Expats are a large and LOUD group who are each owed a very substantial amount of money. Don't expect us to go away. If you want my opinion, pay us now in full or I'm certain it'll cost you a lot more once the bucket you're kicking gets to the end of the road. Getting rid of Sarkis was the dumbest thing you ever did and you'll have plenty of time to think about it when you're out of a job in a few months...