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ceemoss says...

While we criticize persons, the country is on a slow decline to social death! NIB is what a lot of people have contributed with the expectation of a social safety net later on in life. Because of bad decisions by ALL governments, this is were we are. Who will pick up the mantle and fix it? we shall see! no amount of bashing and bad mouthing will do! get the lead out and make it happen!!!!!

On EDITORIAL: Kicking the can again over NIB

Posted 30 December 2022, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ceemoss says...

WOW!! Unbelievable! Money gone.......

ceemoss says...

We have got to work together to combat this virus. It won't happen otherwise.

History has shown me that had it been someone else I cannot say that we would be in a better state at this time. Politicians seem to have a greater focus on getting elected or re-elected than anything else, in my view....

But we cannot continue to lockdown and expect to survive. We have not heard anything concrete from this ERC, well I haven't, on how we sre going to come out of this!!

ceemoss says...

Yes, this government has made some missteps that, in MY VIEW, has cause us to become stagnant and fall back on our advancement. However, if we continue doing and saying the same things, we will get the same results!!

We need a national quarantine center so it can be monitored 24/7. Enforcement of this is needed as it seems as if 'trusting' some people to self quarantine is not the answer. We cannot keep locking down as we are to dependent on others and that's not changing in the near future. We have to start working now on being self sufficient.

I have not worked since March but I am thankful everyday to almighty God for his provision and protection for me and my Family. I pray that God would empower our leaders with the wisdom and knowledge for the trails and tribulations ahead. I pray for Families of loved ones lost, restoration to those who are sick and those who are well to follow protocols and to do what is necessary to not get covid19.

In Jesus...Amen

ceemoss says...

The Church is a special interest group? Really? Hummm and you say most gays respect the sanctity of marriage. So what is it? You cannot have your cake and eat it too! Same sex marriage does not create life, but then who am I. Every group seeks to find a crack in the law which they feel supports their cause, but in the final analysis...........

On Call for gay rights

Posted 28 February 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal