Comment history

choodot43 says...

What local hotel were they staying?

choodot43 says...

Here's a thought...if medical cannabis becomes a reality to the Bahama Islands, especially Grand Bahama, the powers that be could allow the recognition of other countries/ states of those that are already properly papered medical cannabis patients and the legality of such and thus allow these visitors to either bring their prescriptions with them and/or purchase prescriptions in country. Should not be too hard to do and would be less hassle than the Covid rules issued to come to and leave this great country! But were going to need an expanded airport and more flights to Grand Bahama as the price to travel from the states is becoming a deterrent to visit. Just sayin'...

On Govt plans medical cannabis regulation

Posted 23 June 2022, 6:45 p.m. Suggest removal

choodot43 says...

Here from Richmond, Va...Has the check been signed, cashed and cleared for the Port Lucaya Hotel deal? As Stevie Wonder sang: Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm yours! One can only hope, yes?

choodot43 says...

WELL, my wife and I have been to Grand Bahama at least 20 times. And I'm not sure while staying at Island Sea's resort where a carbon monoxide leak would be possible considering the windows, doors opened here and there. It seems that the CO culprit in this case has yet to be identified which would be for the best of the country. Widespread CO detectors are wonderful, but what caused this tragedy? This should not reflect on the country at all. Just tell the truth, fix it and move on the best that can be done. Our thoughts and prayers to those affected!

choodot43 says...

From what I have read over the 24 hours, four students needed medical treatment. Four too many. And here is the rub...these products they obtained/ purchased contain Delta THC 8 which is not illegal in the USA. There is a store front seller 5 miles away from our home. (My wife is has been approved by her gynecologist and a state pharmacist for the right to purchase medical cannabis from the dispensary for her anxiety and is in a very well being as a result. Our Commonwealth's legislators are now moving towards recreational sales which will somewhat eliminate black market sales.) Delta THC 9, depending where one lives, is the legal/illegal cannabis in our country. Delta THC 8 is legal here as it is from farmers' hemp and is, in a manner of speaking, for adults, "Buzz-lite". Cannabis has many different cannabinols in its chemical make up of which many are being proved to be, when properly used, medically very beneficial. Having said all this...Where are the parents, not educators, monitoring their children? This all begins at home, yes?

On Drug candies put students in hospital

Posted 18 February 2022, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

choodot43 says...


On 39 missing at sea from Bimini boat

Posted 26 January 2022, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

choodot43 says...

I live in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We have medical cannabis dispensaries that are allowing cannabis health benefits to many including my wife. Here, one must get a doctor's note/prescription approval and pay a yearly fee for a medical card. About $350.00 total to get approval per year. The cannabis available is clean and unadulterated as it is grown in controlled conditions and is more expensive than on the street level. Because of this, the quality of street level cannabis has increased significantly over the past few years which puts it in competition with medical cannabis. The Commonwealth is also enjoying the tax benefits and thus is on the way to allow retail sales down the road which will slow the sales of street level, untaxed cannabis. Citizens of the Commonwealth are allowed to grow 4 plants per residence. This was the first time that my plants were grown next to my tomatoes and peppers. While the end result was not in the same strength as medical, I know what was used to facilitate the growth. Organic fertilizer and no insecticides, thus a clean crop. If anyone thinks that it should be illegal, then they must realize that they are indicating that God is a Co-Conspirator in this crime. He provides seed, earth, water and sun. That is all that is needed. Other drugs, including alcohol, are processed for consumption. Not cannabis. So, think about the advantages here and in time this will eliminate the thriving business of sellers walking up and down the beaches in front of resorts, restaurants and such bothering and at times ripping off visitors from abroad. Having visited Grand Bahama over 20 times, I know that what I speak of is from experience (Bahama Princess days to Island Seas now) God bless the Bahamas! And allow all His creations to flourish!

choodot43 says...

Sounds like...just pay the right person/people off and all will be well, eh?

On Follow protocols and Carnival could just open

Posted 15 December 2021, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

choodot43 says...

My wife and I are two of those from USA that visited Grand Bahama last week (Our 18th visit to GBI) at Island Seas resort and celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday there. We planned the trip while there was a US CDC red level designation and just before we arrived it was yellow! Progress! We were both impressed with the friendliness of all, and the seriousness of masks, temperature readings, hand sanitation, easy to find Covid testing places and distancing. Bravo to Grand Bahamians! Now let's get the airport facilities back where they belong and keep the friendly ways rolling on this wonderful spot on God's Great Earth! Another political party has taken the lead.. They need to take their hands out of their pockets and lead as promised. And to you wonderful citizens, keep getting those jabs of the first one and then boosters! See y'all next year! Cheers! Rob from Richmond…

choodot43 says...

God Bless Y'all! The pendulum of good health is finally going in the right direction! My wife and I have been jabbed here in the states, doing very well and are looking forward to coming to Grand Bahama during November! Cheers!

On 5,000 have now had vaccine

Posted 26 March 2021, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal