Comment history

clarken says...

I can only assume that everyone making negative comments here has already left.

clarken says...

LOL!!! I wonder how many of these sme people applauded the BTC sale? I recognised some names.

On Reader reaction to Blue Hole sale risk

Posted 16 January 2013, 8:15 a.m. Suggest removal

clarken says...

This is a question of sovereignty. The Bahamaian people rejected this sale before it occurred. Asa result of them being ignorted they showed their disagreement br emphatically rejecting the government which did the sale. This was stated very plainly in a widely participated plebiscite during which the wining party was clear about their commitment to reverse the sale. CWC thumbed their noses aat the Bahmian people by going ahad with the sale. They are now spanking their ass at the Bahamian people by refusing to negotiate. This is a direct affront to the Bahamian people and our sovereignty. The Prime Minister is the chief protector of our sovereignty and safety. He has no choice but to defend this challenge or resign.

On FNM: BTC takeover was always a fool's errand

Posted 21 December 2012, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

clarken says...

LOL!!! How you concluded that they are to keep the majority? The PM says they have not come to any conclusion. That sounds like they are going to kick them ou of the country like **Belize and Panama if you ask me. CWC has challenged the sovereignty of The Bahamas I believe and now the PM simply has to decide whether he will defend that sovereignty or resign.

On PM confirms talks at a dead end

Posted 19 December 2012, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

clarken says...

lol!!! "sent to jail" over $60,000. ? Who writes this nonsense? Having a tiff with the PLP is one thing but writing pure nonsense as a seriuous paper is really sad.

clarken says...

It is eternally sad the way people attempt to perpetrate lies not only as truth but susbstantive truth. Despite all the negeatives and potential negatives of oil exploration, their is absolutely no currrent projection of any economy in the world surviving without the use of oil for energy "Biminihomeowner". "Talrusell" and "Bahamiandude242" probably the largest oil spill in world history occurred just a couple years ago only a few miles from our own waters. What has the history of this oil spill been? I think it should serve as the guide for any statement and I dare say policy regarding oil exploration in our waters. The economies are environmentally and tourism based and the ecology is virtually the same. How many economies have faild since the oil spill? How many industries have collapsed? How many cties which were vibrant have seen residents flee and have disappeared? I think it would be interesting to compare the impact of hurricane Katrina, a risk whic occurs every year to the oil spill which is an occasional risk.

clarken says...

Because this deal was so flawed, it is essential that thegovernment address it and probably overturn it in order to not give current and potential investors the idea that it condones corruption. The deal was announced to the public at $210 mil, yet CWC officials have on more than one occasion said thatthey only paid $104 mil. The government has never explained what happened to the difference. This is public funds. Various evaluations have placed the value of the company at the time at varying multiples of the reported sales price. this deal stinks to high heaven and when you add CWC's reputation in The Caribbean and the fact that an onerous penalty was added by the government which is supposed to be looking out for the interests of the Bahamian people and this deal should simply be rescinded, an assessment made of how much CWC has already taken out of the company and the country and then they should be sent packing. CWC has obviously embarked on a course of stripping the company of its assets and value in order to maximise its dividend in the shortest possible time and the resultant disaster to the quality of service to the consumer is more than enough to justify a complete reversal of the deal.

On clarken

Posted 23 August 2012, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

clarken says...

There are more egeregious elemenst in this deal than I can go into here. A full investigation and revellation of the facts of the deal is necessary. If there is nothing wrong, there's nothing to fear.

clarken says...

Thats a lie and you know it. There is absolutely no society or economy which was eternally damaged by an oil spill. PossiblyThe largest oil spill in history occure in the Gulf merely wto years ago and none of the several tourist economies surrounding it were totally damaged. In fact noe have ever stopped doing business and now they are reporting that they are fully recovered.

clarken says...

All this so called concern about the environmental impact seems quite disingenuous when it refused to look at the BP oil spill, its management and aftermath as a model. Two years after what has to be the worst oil spill in 100 years the tourist economies of the Gulf are in business and they say booming. It would make more sense to study these cases, find the facts and prepare ourselves than run on with disaster scenarios which have no relevance to our reality. The exploitation of our oil reserves is our best furure opportunity for economic growth and diversification. Countries with smal populations such as ours have developed extraordinary living circumstances for their citizens through oil. Quatar is one example.

On Decisions that must be made over oil

Posted 3 May 2012, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal