Comment history

clawdad says...

use some of the vat money.oh wait yhey done steal that

clawdad says...

heres a thought fine the captain 1 million fine each crew member 5 hundred thousand then give the crew of the defence force 20% of the fines.then you will see a change

clawdad says...

there is a whole lot of better things this waste of a government could spend 7 million on in this country

On $7m budget for Carnival

Posted 8 April 2016, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

clawdad says...

hey john this happens every where even in green turtle cay abaco

clawdad says...

why yinna don't take all of dem then

clawdad says...

you get what you pay for,a crappy govement

On Urban Renewal at risk of abuse

Posted 14 April 2015, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

clawdad says...

you wanna stop them from comming,stop giving them jobs

On Mitchell hits back over immigration rules

Posted 3 February 2015, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

clawdad says...

proudloud this govement an police is trying to force the people who have guns legaly to turn them in.gun fees have gone from 50$ to 200$ this year.what the world is going on

clawdad says...

why we need new generators in abaco.they dun break them rest up that why

On BEC seeks to buy or lease six new generators

Posted 16 September 2014, 8:23 p.m. Suggest removal

clawdad says...

thank god for that new patrol boat we dis buy

On At least 30 illegal immigrants detained

Posted 7 July 2014, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal