Comment history

cmiller says...

Well said, Publius!!!

cmiller says...

What the hell is “jingoistic”???? Does he mean jungalist??? Let me look up that word.

Jingoism is patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy.

cmiller says...

Alfred, get lost forever and ever, amen!!!!!!

cmiller says...

Ah we go again!!!! They just reach and getting set to rape the Bahamians of their money, just like our government.

cmiller says...

Can any of these politicians be honest with us, PLP or FNM?????? They staged a takeover. I want Minnis gone too, why can't they just admit it??????

cmiller says...

And I hear they will soon hike up the cost of electricity.

cmiller says...

I just feel sorry for this company. They are just now realizing what a mess they inherited. This summer is shaping up to be no different than before. One lightning is seen and whole island's power is off!!! What's with that????

cmiller says...

From what I'm reading, this is just what they have planned. When its a done deal. I'll believe it. Elections coming and these people will say anything.

cmiller says...

What happens after 52 weeks, when these businesses still can't hire these workers just like they can't hire them today?

cmiller says...

I am getting there.

On Fresh pledge for $20m mortgage relief

Posted 26 May 2016, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal