Comment history

cmiller says...

What? They dragged her out to speak on this like they think we like her any more than the rest of the damn PLP?
And why didn't they give her ALL the information while they were at it???? Don't know how its going to be funded. Go back and find out before you come before our faces again, girl!!!!!!

On Govt funds for YES campaign is confirmed

Posted 25 April 2016, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Good investigative reporting, tribune!!!!

On The MPs who failed to disclose

Posted 25 April 2016, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says... any work getting done by these fella?? They seem to be having a hate affair that takes the front seat in everything, even running this damn country!!!!!

cmiller says...

Good policing! They probably already back out on bail though.

On Laundromat robbers swiftly apprehended

Posted 21 April 2016, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Amen.......I miss Hubert

cmiller says...

This looks like a child.

On Hunt for suspect after shooting death

Posted 15 April 2016, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Thieves procuring places in government breeds corruption. Thats what they go there tief!!!!!!!!

cmiller says...

The Soldier Road vehicle site that was supposed to be closed down after the last large fire is full to capacity with old cars again. Tribune, go see, take photos and do some investigative reporting up in this place!!!!!

cmiller says...

Is there anybody in both parties not connected to Nygard in some way???????

cmiller says...

I am exhausted with all of this petty push and pull of politicians. Is this our new reality? They carp at each other while the country falls into pieces??????