Comment history

cmiller says...

People will always be in opposition, because remember....we voted no!!!!!!!!

cmiller says...

So, anybody trying to put yall crooks in jail, will be jailed first!!!!! Wow.........

cmiller says...

I have to see it first, just can't believe anything from these fellas anymore.

cmiller says...

These fellas lie when the truth is right next to them, touching them!!! Wow.....

cmiller says...

Just wish I had a little dingy............. sigh!!!

cmiller says...

Yeah....... would be good for this to actually work.

cmiller says...

Hope it works for you, miss. Just be careful with your money. And read every word of the small print.

cmiller says...

I wonder of this is true? Its sad when that is the first thing that comes to my mind when these politicians make a statement. Our new reality.

cmiller says...

New age death penalty? Works for me.

On UPDATED: Two men shot dead by police

Posted 4 April 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

What is he still doing in this country?