Comment history

cmiller says...

Why, oh why, don't these old ass PLP go away???? They just like booger that is sticking to the end of your finger after a productive nose cleaning!!!!!!!!

cmiller says...

Talk for yourself!!! I aint voting them out to put the tiefin PLP back in again!!!

cmiller says...

We know there was tiefin going on with the money.That's why we voted the tiefers out.
What are YOU going to do now, moving forward, moving along.
We can't keep taking and talking about the tiefin the PLP did. We need to move on now!!!

cmiller says...

Sounds like a love triangle gone wrong.

cmiller says...

Here we go again!!!!!!
I wonder if Brave realizes that the Bahamian public is not interested in what he has to say!!!!! We voted yall out, so get out and flippin go away, brave!!!!!!!!


Posted 26 May 2017, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I totally agree!!! Everybody that worked should be paid, not just Bahamians because the government wanted their votes!!!!!

On Baha Mar - and what comes next

Posted 21 May 2017, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Wonder how much money they were getting for being ornaments????

cmiller says...

I helped to vote out the PLP, but I want the FNM to go do their jobs without pointing out every little mistake the PLP made!!! Get to work, fix what needs to be fixed without the long rhetoric about what was done wrong We know.........that's why we voted them out.

On Urban Renewal 'grave concerns'

Posted 18 May 2017, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

What turned me off, was the presence of so many tired looking old men at the helm of the PLP. And stalwarts who were not in tune with the voters, just operating on blind adoration of a leader.

cmiller says...

Stalwart councillors need to be more in touch with voters themselves, and not just vote for a party leader on blind, and sometimes foolish loyalty.