Comment history

cmiller says...

He is such a nasty, petty, arrogant little snit!!! (with the h)

On Mitchell’s tactics

Posted 8 February 2016, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I am paying attention to Bran now!!! I do feel abused by the PLP. They keep sucker punching us!!!!

cmiller says...

So, because you feel sorry for them in prison, you want to start letting them back out to commit more crime. The anklet bracelet doesn't work, so how will parole????

cmiller says...

What they gonna do? Use that tear gas on us that the Chinese gave them????

cmiller says...

This is going to be a nasty election. Everybody is digging up any stupid dirt that they can right now, trying to discredit others. We need to fire all of them PLP and FNM, so that they know we are TIRED of this stupidity. Run the d ---- country and stop this nonsense. And I'm talking to the PLP ( supposed to lead) and the FNM ( supposed to be an effective opposition).

God, after reading all this nonsense, I need a Kalik!!!!!

cmiller says...

Stupid liar

cmiller says...

Stupid liar

On PM surprised at Izmirlian bid to make contact

Posted 2 February 2016, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

I wish these politicians would do as they put Bahamians first. Whenever they get their little thin feelings hurt, they want to put everything aside and get some sort of satisfaction.

We don't care!! Get over yourselves and start running this d------ country!!!!!!

Start by being an effective opposition!!!!!

cmiller says...

I am crying for the Bahamas!!! A great sadness because our leaders are not up to the job of running the country effectively.…

cmiller says...

Can't stop laughing!!! Says to trust him......... wow!!!

On PM asks people to 'trust him' over NHI

Posted 26 January 2016, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal