Comment history

cmiller says...

I hate seeing this man!!!! He should have been fired a long time ago and here he is talking crap about how other people's head should roll!!!! He needs to go away and stop talking. Nothing he can ever say is ever going to be of interest to me.

cmiller says...

I love the painting!!! The lying and deceit depicted effectively. I'm so glad he also included the bishop in this....that political, lying hack!!!!

cmiller says...

I think most of us are so uncomfortable with facing the truth when its exposed, that we would rather not know certain things about certain people. I agree with adrian for exposing the spitefulness and smallness of a man who is ALWAYS attacking others in the newspapers.

Deal with truth and stop wanting to always bury DIRT!!!!!

cmiller says...

I am concerned about our leader's mental state. ( Is he crazy... you think?) We need to make these politicians take a mental competency examination before taking part in elections, the same way these fools wanted a mental competency exam done by Sarkis Izmirilian.

On Christie defends Joaquin response

Posted 9 October 2015, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

We shall see!!!

cmiller says...

Nicole, I agree totally with your opinions about internal black racism and jealousy. I know for a
fact that many people are seriously considering this party, I know I am.

And not just because the leader is pretty, but because my generation ( Perry's and both Hubert's), the baby boomers. cannot take this country any further.

We are just not technologically equipped and our time is over. Most of us are retiring now.

cmiller says...

So they go and peep into the pain of these people's lives, ask many questions, look really sorrowful............and then what???????? How about some real help for these our brothers?????

cmiller says...

How is this news?? Who the hell cares if this man runs!!!!! Really!!!!!!!

On Pinder considering election run in 2017

Posted 18 September 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Perry is a lying liar who tells nothing but lying lies to people who really don't want to hear any more lies!!!!!!!!

On Christie more optimistic on Baha Mar

Posted 18 September 2015, 7:52 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

What the????? Wayne is the PLP's new savior? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.........what next with this bunch of incompetent thieves???????

Social media and its glaring spotlight and its digging out of secrets is killing this shady group of small, cowardly men.

On Gomez passes Election Court brief to Munroe

Posted 18 September 2015, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal