Comment history

cmiller says...

Sooooo good to see one of our young fellows winning !!! I feel proud and don't even know him. Dad seems to be a present and influential part of his life. I love this article!!!!

cmiller says...

Why is he a magistrate if he doesn't know simple facts like that about the law? A politically appointed 'magistrate' who has to be told what to do??

cmiller says...

Lord, how many more of these old, hardback, antiquated, corrupt politicians are going to come dragging out of the woodworks?????? Do they smell the next election??? Do they see that with VAT there's more money now in the cookie jar??? Are they making a new ' dis the tiefin' line?????

On PLP Chairman hits back at Brent Symonette

Posted 20 March 2015, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

We don't care about how this is deeper than we realize, we only care that these bunch of lying liars said that a building was insured when it wasn't. If the contractor had paid his workers after receiving 23 payments himself, he might have avoided all this. Too greedy to do that, just as the contractor on the road works did when an unpaid worker dug up a mile of the road.

The tribune can now launch an investigation into how many other contractors are guilty of this fraud and report it. Is that too much to ask, you think?

On ‘I will rebuild BAMSI for free’

Posted 13 March 2015, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Yes!! Kudos to Shane Gibson!! doing his job!!!! Good job, Mr Gibson.

cmiller says...

Seems to me that the PLP can't get it through their collective heads that we, the public, are not in love with them!! We voted PLP so that they could go get some things changed and begin putting us first!! All they are doing is crying and whining!!! We know what happened before, we know the job will be difficult, we know things are messed up, we know that you hate Ingraham and want to roast his ####> We get all that already!!!!! go do your jobs!!!!!!

On 'Ingraham used cash to target me'

Posted 12 June 2012, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Please!!! Any minister can come along and start as many new programmes as he wants. If teachers do not see where it makes sense, trust me, the programme fails. So, Mr Minister, spend more time uplifting teachers, not telling them what they will be doing and that you will come to watch and make sure they are doing it!! Who you? They will ask that question, but maybe not where you can hear it!