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coachjunkie says...

This video is very disturbing ! why would anyone put this out there for the public to see ? Can you even imagine if you happened to look on line and saw your son/daughter lying in a pool of blood in the hallway of some club dead ? Not only is it insensitive, it is very, very disrespectful and downright cruel to even publish the poor kid's name, without him being positvely identified by his next of kin ! What kind of society that we live in, that this kind of behavior is tolerated by the media ? I can bet any amount of money, that whoever put this picture and video footage of this young man's body online for everyone to see, would not have done so, had that young man was related to them.What is so mind blowing to me is, why are our young black men so angry ! young men, please stop the violence!!

coachjunkie says...

God bless men like that , who did not think twice about putting his life in danger to protect others. He is my HERO ! So there are still "a few good men" left. I hope that that they catch that "scumbbag"

On 'How I fought off rapist'

Posted 27 June 2012, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

coachjunkie says...

I think that in order to reduce the amount of hit and run driving, and pedestrain related accidents, the Bahamian government needs to make many more sidewalks, (in the inner city, and not just for the tourists). I was shocked when I came to visit, and saw so many people, including children and elderly people, having to actually walk in bushes, in order to avoid being "ploughed down" by drivers! What makes the road look so small, is not having sufficient sidewalks, especially in school areas.I was also shocked to see, that there was no school crossing guards, and when the lights in the school zones were flashing, the drivers, did not acknowledge them! What makes it so "disrespectful" is that when they visit the USA, they obey the school zones!, so why don't they respect our country's law? So I must warn pedestrians, to walk facing traffic , and also be aware of your surroundings, good luck!!!

coachjunkie says...

Hello, Ms-Collie Pratt, ( my moms maiden name) congradulations on your " bringing back bush medicines" good job!! So do you have a website ? I am interested in something to remove varicose veins, can you help me ?? ( Thank you and have a blessed day >>>>sally

On Healing salts and teas

Posted 22 June 2012, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

coachjunkie says...

So Dr. Nottage ! are you going to build another jail ! or do you have somewhere that " petty criminals" should do their time for commiting their crime ? Sounds like you have a resort in mind !, I think criminals should be treated like just what they are , criminals. i think that ALL inmates , who are not serving a life or death penalty, should be rehabilated, if they are going to be released into society. Thats probally why there are so many repeat offenders, because some of the criminals do not have any life skills to begin with. I suggest that, ALL inmates be given the same fair share......GO HEAT !!

coachjunkie says...

hunk of what ?? pray tell

coachjunkie says...

What is wrong with, morality, pride,respect, and self worth, if many of us practise this, our country will be great for us again, bahamian pride.

On Deaths take toll to 12 in a fortnight

Posted 22 May 2012, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

coachjunkie says...

Is it just me , or does anyone else noticed the new "accessories" of our teenage girls? They might think that it is cute, but it is permanent and for real. It is kids having kids. Like when I go to the mall or places where there are lots of people, it saddens me to see a lot of teen girls, with babies, like they think that this is cute.This trend is real,most of these kids are raising kids without fathers! It is time for us ( mothers and fathers) to teach our kids about "self worth" and " respect" of their bodies. I know that times have changed, but right will always be right, and wrong will always be wrong.Parents, please, please, teach our young people, to respect their bodies, and to respect one another.What is wrong with believing that "your body is a temple" Young ladies, I am pleadind with you all to stay in school, and get your education, so that you can be successful, and the ones who have children/child, to go back to school, so that you can become self sufficient, and independent , to help raise, future leaders, and continue to make our Bahamas, a small and great contry.Iam also tired of seeing grand-parents, raising their grand-kids. It is time that we continue to instill in our kids , an old saying " you make your bed, now lie in it ".

On Deaths take toll to 12 in a fortnight

Posted 22 May 2012, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

coachjunkie says...

Wow, just finished reading the news on line, I am so shocked about the amount of murders for the year,56!! So who is going to take care of all of those "fatherless" kids, I am so sad and embarrased about the way our coutry has come to.Politicians! mothers, fathers, clergymen, lend me your ears! what is wrong with our young black men? (who will soon be extint) Why don't the government make all of those murders pay for their crimes by bringing back the death penalty, instead of overcrowding the jails, thus costing taxpayers thousand and thousand of dollars to keep them there for a few years , only to get out (without being rehabilated) to commit more crimes. Something is very wrong with our judical system, and it needs to be fixed ASAP!

coachjunkie says...

What Bahamians need to know, is that you don't have to be PLP, FNM, or DNA, to make the country safe. We also need to turn the mirror around and look in it, and stop blaming the government for the way our children turned out, when we know darn well that we should be our children's role model, and not someone else! We should take the blame for our country's downfall, because we are not there for our kids, sure we all have to work to pay bills, but that should not be an excuse for not being there and instilling morals, values , selfworth,honesty and respect of others in them. You don't have to be rich or smart, to do those things.

On Police issue plea to end conflicts

Posted 10 May 2012, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal