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cominghome says...

mandatory national service!!!!!!!!

On Senator's terror in cutlass rampage

Posted 27 November 2018, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

cominghome says...

The government will not allow any environmental damage in Grand Bahama.....the government has no say as to whether environmental damage happens in Grand's like saying...the government will not allow it to rain accident at any time can cause environment stupid does he think the Bahamian people are????

cominghome says...

Why would a company say...hey let's build an oil refinery....mmmm...where ?....mmmm...let,s see...ah..the Bahamas looks like a nice place...
Is this about building an oil refinery or more about getting a hold on that land ? No one in their right mind should even consider building such a potentially dangerous, foul smelling facility anywhere within the boundaries of this pristine and beautiful country, the profits of which, if any, will probably not benefit the average Bahamian. Eco tourism is growing and will only get bigger. If we decide to take advantage of what is arguably one of, if not the most beautiful country in the world, and take eco tourism really serious we will have no equal. I fail to understand a government that can give the green light to such a project.
Who is running this country....IDIOTS ???

On Oban refinery - ’it makes no sense’

Posted 29 March 2018, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

cominghome says...


cominghome says...

Jobs are needed but not at any's like selling your soul to the devil...The Bahamas is much too beautiful to even consider building such a potentially dangerous, polluting, foul smelling refinery anywhere within it's boundaries, the profits of which no average bahamian will ever benefit from. Eco tourism and related business is a fast growing industry, and if the Bahamas was to take it seriously we will have no rivals. I have to agree...this is truly madness...
Who is running this country....idiots ????

cominghome says...

Tallest slide in north america???????????????

cominghome says...

The tallest slide in north america???????????????

cominghome says...

This is one of the many things wrong with our country....what the f#@$^% this has to do with this country's budget ? An MP whose contribution to the budget debate is to lament over a boat been stolen, while the country's murder rate is at an all time high....what an idiot...