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concernedcitizen014 says...

No. He has no "brand of Christianity". He has challenged the concept of Christianity as "religion" which is man-made with all its rituals and traditions and like all other religions, still seeking to find God and the truth when the truth is already with us. Jesus says I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. As a matter of fact, God's vision is for us to be His ambassador, a kingdom citizen while here on earth, to love thy neighbour so that by our love, we may reciprocate His unconditional love for us and glorify Him as our King. Dr Munroe is a renowned author, an excellent teacher and communicator. He earned his respect and blessings, and wealth is a byproduct of his hardwork. And if it seems like he is commercially motivated, well he knew how to invest in order to reap even more spiritual blessings so that many who are discouraged and lost may find comfort and a sense of purpose through his efforts in writing and speaking effectively. His books are written based on many years of research and much thought, from a Bible teacher's perspective.

concernedcitizen014 says...

Very sad, I think Charisa was in the same flight.…

concernedcitizen014 says...

Deeply few teachers like him who spoke truth without compromise today. People misunderstood and defamed him but he defended God's word and kept preaching on so that many who are lost amidst the distractions of this world including his opponents may be saved and be with Jesus in heaven forever. He ran the race and fought the good fight. Pastor Myles, I will never forget your teachings, the books you wrote about vision, potential, our purpose here on earth, God's kingdom and redeeming time, and the lively sermons you preached which I watched on YouTube. Thank you for the light you have brought to the dark world we are living in and the legacy you left for the next generation. RIP Dr Munroe and enjoy God's kingdom in heaven forever!

concernedcitizen014 says...

No way was Dr Munroe's response a "hate speech". Dr Munroe does not deserve all these accusations and name-calling. He is much bigger than these childish antics that put him down for what he boldly stood for. He is a man of principles who had the guts to stand up for the truth while most leaders chose to be politically correct or remain silent. For the love of his country and his people, he fought to preserve the moral values and traditions that keep families strong. The Bible is a book of love, not hate and that is the foundation Dr Munroe's response is based on. No way would he wish to incite violence and hatred on any human being. Read his books and you will understand where he is coming from.

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 17 September 2014, 11:47 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen014 says...

Gays are human too, so are fornicators, adulterers, etc. AND they are not human rights.

concernedcitizen014 says...

Gays are human too, so are fornicators, adulterers, etc. but they are not human rights.

concernedcitizen014 says...

Spot on Dr Munroe! I have read your books and heard your sermons on YouTube since I was, at one stage of my life, searching for "purpose". While many pastors are like seeds sown in rocky ground and among thorns, not you, Dr Munroe.

The issue is not a matter of "phobia", it is a matter of principle! Sin is something that should be ashamed of, not be proud of. Do not use arrogance to justify public display of "gay pride" to lead others astray!