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concernedgyal says...

Who will be doing the work? Will any of those who have been laid off at Bahamar be called to make the food, clean the convention centre, manage the event? This smells funny to me. Where there is stink there is usually s&$)t. Does Exim Bank have the right to do this?

concernedgyal says...

The number of armed robberies in this country is appalling. I too have been robbed facing a gun in my own driveway recently. I have never felt more violated and disgusted. I hate coming home at anytime of day or night now and am even a little leery taking out my garbage.

I am outraged that gun toting opportunists are terrorizing and soiling this island for the residents and visitors. Nearly everyone robbed listed above was in their own yard.

Harsher gun laws and penalties must be placed and children must be taught to not revere guns. I believe that a nation in which its citizens that must rely on guns as part of their survival leads to a nation of stupid and weak people. Instead of using guns to get what you want, use your brain or your brawn. I.e. Get to work! And government, arrange work for these people at a rate that does not encourage people to resort to crime to sustain a life.