Comment history

conian says...

This is what we call the renaming of Piracy to Buccaneerism ?
State accepted Crime?
What will be next on the Agenda to Legalize?
Incredible events in this the 21st Century.
Some action needs to be taken. Guilt has been admitted.
The simple solution is to NOT issue any renewals.

For the workers :"Go find Work that is not in conflict with the Law.

On 'No' vote would hit workers

Posted 7 November 2012, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

How about taking action when a permit holder is found working for someone other than who holds the Permit.......and in an all together different category than what the Permit allows....

conian says...

Surely , it would be improper for the "Police' To make any comment. I'm a bit surprised any response was given at all !!

On Police silent over FNM vote claim

Posted 2 May 2012, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Growing up during the lofty drug trade, there was a saying going around " If your hair dont blow you cant go"

In order to play , you have to pay.

I'm reminded of my childhood , yet again. Some mean kids around during that time. They would rather throw away a used toy than give it to someone who could make use of it.

On Hot air or scandal?

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

No drilling has taken place . Great !!
What ,exactly , do the 'Licences ' authorize?

On Christie: i'll sue over oil claims

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Why are these Murders taking place? Is it because of the Lifestyle these people showcase? Or is it because there is a bunch of people going around and randomly executing people ?

On Man dies in hail of bullets

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Can the TRUTH be Disputed ? No spin ,facts only !!

On PM hits back in Pindling row

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Makes one wonder Just how many more bodies are out there waiting to be discovered.

On Decomposed body found

Posted 30 April 2012, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

I am seriously concerned for Mr. Pinder's Health. Who is he running against? He sure looked like he was going to have a coronary for sure. Doc , stand by.

On Pinder rejects findings of election poll

Posted 28 April 2012, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Who are worthy of Debate? Debate because its the United States way?
These fellows don't have anything constructive to say. When they do, maybe in 5 years a Bahamian Political Debate can take place. Can you imagine the Chaos. Papa, You have treated 'them' with the contempt they deserve.

Soon it will be all over and we can get back to managing the Country in a direction for ALL its Citizens.

On DNA repeat call for debate

Posted 12 April 2012, 6 p.m. Suggest removal