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covebay says...

Love Beach is changing and not for the better. There are residents building illegal cabanas on beach land that does not belong to them. Other residents have claimed huge amount of public beach as their own by installing boulders and sea grasses which block other residents from using that area of the beach. An abundance of dog owners walk their dogs on the beach and refuse to pick up after their dogs - demonstrating complete disregard for children who play in the sand and all those who enjoy leisure time on the beach. BEST Commission has not visited as promised and the residents who attended the town hall meetings and respectfully voiced their valid concerns are being ignored. What is the point of town hall meetings - is it just for show? To make the Ministry of Works feel good about appeasing Residents and giving false hope that Residents’ concerns are being listened to? This development, if approved, and all the other abuses at Love Beach are a shameful disgrace and demonstrates no sincere will on the part of the respective authorities to ensure adherence to law and policies and to safeguarding the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas. This coupled with the selfishness and arrogance of some residents who get away with their negligent actions - do not bode well for the preservation of the beauty and tranquility of Love Beach.