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crawdaddy says...

This is not the construction of a canal. This is a dredging operation to reverse the accumulation of sand and debris inside the navigable waterway entrance that, at present time is about two
feet at low tide. Most boats can't use it in its present state. The dredging will alleviate that situation, if it ever starts.

crawdaddy says...

I don't have the answer but can we at least look elsewhere in similar island communities where they may have had some success in reducing gun violence? What strategies had positive outcomes and which did not. It is not failure to seek out help when things go awry.

crawdaddy says...

This is a very timely report. "Dorian" caused a surge that covered about 70% of Grand Bahama. This is not speculation. There are satellite photos that show it. Other islands, eespecially New Providence where most people live, are in the most danger. When storms move slow or almost stall out, they constantly push more and more water in the direction of the winds. New Providence's south shore is the most vulnerable because storm surge is prevalent where low lying areas face oncoming strong, constant onshore winds. In Dorian, the wind blew from the NNW to the W for almost two days, pushing the water into low lying, swampy land areas like, Queens Cove, Dover Sound and other areas to the east. If the storm had moved on quickly, less areas inland would've been spared. Alas, the water continued south, to areas almost to Sunrise Highway, which runs east and west through the islands central and westerly sections. Nassau's low lying neighborhoods would be most vulnerable in a SE to SW wind direction, usually found as a storm leaves the area.

crawdaddy says...

He may have had the bends but me thinks it could have been an embolism, which is life threatening. No amount of recompression chambers should replace qualified diving instruction and training. Was he certified? Did he panic and ascended too quickly? Did he stay down too long and get decompression sickness? Questions should be attempted to get answers to help prevent more divers suffering the same fate. Education, technique and safety need to be utmost when diving with compressors. Did he even have a compressor license? Condolences to the grieving family, what a huge loss.

On My son didn’t have to die

Posted 8 August 2022, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

crawdaddy says...

It It matters not who the messenger is, the message is valid. It makes zero sense to reduce
VAT . The treasury needs more, not less infusion of funds.

On $160m revenue cut from VAT rate slash

Posted 10 October 2021, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

crawdaddy says...

We seem to be on death train and adding up dead bodies like a train picks up passengers on a journey to annihilation. A lifesaving vaccine that can save us, we refuse it out of misinformation and disinformation. How many have to die before we collectively come to our senses and get vaccinated? I wish I knew it will be sooner, but I'm afraid, it will be later. I predict only mandatory orders will save us from ourselves. We are steeped in social media malaise.

crawdaddy says...

If this doesn't prove that certain political parties don't give a hoot about the welfare of the country, what will. Allowing covid positive and the like to vote will have the opposite effect by discouraging others to stay home rather than risk their health.

On PLP legal threat on quarantine voting

Posted 8 September 2021, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

crawdaddy says...

Cherry picking is disingenuous. It is reported to be rare to have a breakthrough infection. The ones sick and dying in hospital are unvaccinated. The vaccines work.

crawdaddy says...

Vaccinations save lives. I'm a healthy person living a healthy life. healthy people still can get
sick and die from Covid and spread it to others with co-morbitities. Vaccines are tools that have helped us before and will help us through this now. Please vaccinate and save your country from sickness, death and financial ruin. It is your obligation as a good neighbor and citizen.

crawdaddy says...

Yet another reason to ban conch harvesting in the summer months. The government needs to
find the guts to close the season from May to September or thereabouts. Conch are disappearing, fast.