Comment history

crimestopper says...

Stop calling people comrade, this is not Russia, you moron, every time you start a sentence is alway "Comrades" annoying as hell.

On FNM: Why hide Baha Mar deal?

Posted 26 August 2016, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

crimestopper says...

I'm so glad you finally said this, it so annoying "comrade this and comrade that", maybe Tal should move to Russia where they say this crap, this the Bahamas "bey".

On $315m lost in Baha Mar tax

Posted 15 August 2016, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

crimestopper says...

Wow, the hospital is owning up to the problem and fixing it permanently, PLP are you taking notes?

This is what is suppose to happen.

On Medical waste came from hospital

Posted 15 August 2016, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

crimestopper says...

How is immigration not involved in this, they are filipino not bahamian, the law states you cannot get a work permit if you commit and crime, they should both be made to pay the victim 200,000 and be deported instantly.

crimestopper says...

vigilante justice time

On Boat thieves strike again in Abaco

Posted 9 August 2016, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

crimestopper says...

Anyone notice during election time that crime is almost non existent, during the recent FNM convention crime dropped really low. Here's a thought, maybe its the politicians fueling all of the crime and during convention and election time they are too busy to hire their thugs to commit the crimes and put fear into everyone, then say they have the answer for crime.

crimestopper says...

If I were to be prime minister this article would be my platform of governance everything he said is what we need, I hope our 3 parties read this article and take notes.

crimestopper says...

Can we really say we are independent if we have to rely on the british privy council to govern our court system? We can't even perform the laws in our book and hang these criminals sentenced to death. (Bahamas, far from independent) We still have a representative of the queen living right here in our "independent nation" makes me laugh, vote out the PLP and vote in someone with the balls to do what's best for our people and not their own interests.

crimestopper says...

I'm so speechless right now, a stupid basketball game, this government is so out of touch with what the people need. Here's an idea maybe next time they organize a job fair or free training courses or even better free self defence classes so at least people can feel somewhat safe walking around this great nation, come on PLP pull your head out and give the people what they are craving, "safety and jobs".

I'm done

crimestopper says...

Vanity is the devil's favorite sin.