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cuckoo6 says...

Sorry Mr. Liu but actions speak louder than words. If you are so concerned about and "welcoming" of Bahamians and their families then you can start now by employing a far more "welcoming" ratio of Bahamian construction workers.

On The Pointe 'will be built on time'

Posted 5 March 2016, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

cuckoo6 says...

Every time I drive pass The Pointe disappointing to see how few Bahamians on the job site. Nothing going on there that local construction can't do. We getting the Pointe alright !!

cuckoo6 says...

When Mr. Walker makes the statement that Nassau is the "most dangerous port" then he should, as an industry expert, be able to substantiate such a claim with numbers. I would like to see a list of the top ten cruise destinations in the Caribbean. Why not include the top 50 destinations worldwide. Show how many cruise tourists arrive in each port and how many of those tourists have reported being the victim of a crime in each port. Show where each port ranks. That way the statement that Nassau is the most dangerous port would be based on facts and not someone's personal perception. I have already asked Mr. Walker to do this in a response to his blog and he only responded by comparing the total murders in Nassau to the total number of murders in the city of Miami. Still yet to see the actual number of incidents that would show why Nassau is the most dangerous compared to other ports of call. We all are painfully aware of the gang warfare going on in the nation. No body takes this lightly in terms of how it effects our own lives as well as the the perception of Nassau in the tourism industry. I still would like to see the actual numbers regarding crimes related to tourists. We do need to make major improvements to our down town. Nassau is unique in that the port is part of a real town rather than a fake village on an out island off the coast of a country such as you will find if you make port in Honduras. I do hope that the day will come that our down town is transformed into a beautiful and authentic destination. For now I would like to see the proof that Nassau is "the most dangerous". Let's see the numbers behind your claim Mr. Walker.

On Lawyer says Nassau ‘is a dangerous dump’

Posted 15 September 2015, 9:10 a.m. Suggest removal