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cucumber says...

I do not wish to continue this dialogue because I consider this as non productive however I would like to draw to this Party's Insider attention that it was their comment about him or her self that caused me to comment. Too often people with nothing to contribute seek to hide behind anonymity instead of showing themselves to be the type of persons they are.

As far as the other writers who would like younger men to emerge, I would like to bring to their attention that Mr. Hubert Minnis is a young man and has every right to be a contender for any election unlike the gentleman from that other Party. Also, being young is not the only criteria for being a leader for any Political Party. You have to promote yourself and be accepted by the people you wish to lead, and nobody will just accept you because you might think you want to be a leader. Like I mentioned before Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner has shown that she is a formidable alternative and if it was not for the fact that Mr. Minnis was already selected, I would gladly support Mrs. Turner for leader but I will never sneak around and attempt to back-stab anyone. It is unfortunate that people who practice this kind of deception might not be exposed for if they are I would be the first to throw them out of the organisation.

On cucumber

Posted 8 January 2016, 7 p.m. Suggest removal

cucumber says...

It seems as if too many members are speaking out against the leader, Mr. Hubert Minnis after he was twice elected in Convention to lead the Free National Movement. Mr. Minnis is the leader so why can't we just let him lead without trying to under-mine his leadership? Are we so anxious to see this country government be destroyed by the PLP government. Are we so blind that we refuse to see what we are doing to ourselves. Who is this Party Insider who is so cowardly that he chooses to hide behind anonymity rather than come out and be a man or woman to say where he stands without fear. This is why we are where we are today, too many of our citizens are too afraid to speak out so our Politicians know what Bahamians are thinking about their stewardship of our country.
Rumor has it that certain members of the FNM are hoping that Mr. Hubert Ingraham comes out of retirement to lead the Party to victory once again but that will never happen again, that horse has out of the pen and Mr. Ingraham will never return so it would be better that they realise that, Also, we all are aware that it was because of Mr. Ingraham's mode of Leadership that we are in opposition today. It is my opinion that were it not for his inability to take advice we would've still be the Government today and the country would be in a different position than it is today.
I do think that Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner has acquitted herself well and will be an exceptional leader and eventual Prime Minister but for now Mr. Minnis has the reigns and as good members of the FNM we have an obligation to follow him until he loses the next opportunity to defeat the PLP and also loses his leadership of the Party at the next Party's Convention. That is how loyal members operate, not speaking out anonymously which doesn't do any good for anybody.
My advice is that we spend our time marshaling all our resources, people, money and time to ready ourselves for the war that is to come. All of the opposition forces in the country owe it to the country to remove this inadequate government.
Last year May 2015 another country to our South was faced with a similar situation and even though it didn't seem possible all of the opposition put their many differences aside and ousted the corrupt Government. Even though they combined their efforts they ere only able to win by one seat, which showed how strong the Government was and that they will do everything necessary to retain power.

On Minnis 'planning council shake-up'

Posted 7 January 2016, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal