Comment history

cx says...

Good photo.

On US and China battle on Bahamas investments

Posted 17 January 2025, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

cx says...

40 to 80 percent is such a wide range.

On 40 to 80 percent 'show no symptoms of dengue'

Posted 17 September 2023, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

cx says...


cx says...

1.5mil Doesn't seem like a lot to repair a 14mil ship. A new similar ship is probably 15 mil +

cx says...

Need to do what El Salvador did with their new prison. Build it then sweep and get everyone on bail or suspected. Their crime rate dropped in half after they did that with their crazy ass gangs.

cx says...

Don't understand why they take so long to reply to these claims

cx says...

That requires work

cx says...

If this vessel got that far. I can imagine how far those that try look regular sail boats get.

cx says...

I thought the trend of Haitians using American sailing vessels or look alikes was common knowledge from years ago especially after rbdf get their new ships and they could respond to sightings of slow overcrowded sloops.

cx says...

So 400 more. Thats 900 in what 72 hours. I wonder how much got pass.