Comment history

cx says...

Wonder if they spent an extra day finding boxes with the biggest USA flags they could find to shit those vaccines.

cx says...

Its kind of funny with every press conference they have at the base 9 out of 10 of those big patrol boats are sitting there in the port.

cx says...

The land discount seems nice as long as its not swamp land. I could use some of that. The other stuff not sure that's a good thing.

cx says...

I would take the money and get out of this country.

cx says...

I'm curious if we will ever find out details of any of these grounding. Did they hit a sand dune at speed which is why there was no damage. Another boat caught two poachers boat during the same time. Were they speeding to that area and went in some shallow area they shouldn't have. People will always expect the worse without info. There may have been other factors not related to human error.

On Five injured in new RBDF grounding

Posted 21 September 2020, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

cx says...

Straight up the chain muddo. Maybe it will keep turning north and only catch the south.

On UPDATED: Here comes Isaias

Posted 30 July 2020, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

cx says...

Can the tribune find out if they ever repaired the other boat they mash up.

cx says...

This feels like a sponsored post.

cx says...

What ever happened to the investigation with the officers who were buying liquor during curfew. Do any of the media houses to follow ups. :/