Comment history

dani says...

How can you be so indifferent and villainous by taking money from your citizen and do nothing with them? It's like you are going to buy a bread and you pay but get nothing.. I think we wouldn't be so silent in that case. <a href="">Mircea</a>

dani says...

More money, we need more money! thats what they keep saying to their people. We all need more money, but we search for ways to have a good live with less, because no one is giving us more money if we don't do something instead. So, if you want more money, you should do your job, and you will see that you will get more money in the end. <a href="">Marian</a>

dani says...

Unfortunately, crime is a way of life and a never ending vicious circle for many people. They start in a family that is going by just by doing crime, they end up doing it because that is how they have been shown by the family, end up in prison, than do crime again because they were used to staying in <a href="">prison</a>.

On A LIFE OF CRIME: Securing a conviction

Posted 24 June 2015, 6:11 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

Well, i guess a little cleanup is good from time to time. With so many immigrants in the US you ccan say that it raises the danger in the suburbs. So this should be kept under <a href="">control</a>.

dani says...

Wow, it is so tragic how fast people resort to violence for solving their differences. It is unbelievable how normal has violence become for some people <a href="">today</a>.

On Woman dies after car pins her to wall

Posted 23 June 2015, 6:07 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

It is so good to see stars taking care of their children and being model dads. We need to have this type of characters that promote a healthy behavior among fathers <a href="">everywhere</a>

dani says...

<a href="">Wow</a> i am guessing he was targeted by the mafia or something like that. His enemies must have found out that he got bailed out.

On Man with monitoring bracelet shot dead

Posted 23 June 2015, 2:57 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

I don't know why most people see crime as an option for anything. For getting money, for revenge or for other purposes, crime is just a bad option. It is <a href="">outstanding</a> the number of people who resort to comitting a crime instead of find alternate ways to solve their problem.

On Two men arrested after woman abducted

Posted 22 June 2015, 5:52 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

How did the accident happen? Can you provide more details? Who is to blame: the Malibu diver or the Neon <a href="">driver</a>

dani says...

I am a frantic supporter of the Free National Movement. I strongly support their beliefs and i believe that the new generation should be supporting it. As in everything( sports , media, <a href="">politics</a>) there should be new life in the Free National Movement also. You can't go on and on with the same people and expect different, new or changed results. New people represent new perspectives.

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Rebranding the FNM

Posted 19 June 2015, 6:13 a.m. Suggest removal