Comment history

dani says...

thanks for doing your job! it's so great to see that out there exist people who are not selfish and their job is to save others lives by exposing their live to danger. god bless you! <a href="">marcelus</a>

dani says...

Imagine that in Bulgaria the minimum wage is $150 a month. And we buy most of the products from imports, which are imported with the same price from their homecountry. Raise 2 childern with $1500 a year. Lets say your husband makes 150 too, so u got $3k a year to pay your taxes, buy food, keep your children in school, and if you are ignorant, buy some clothes for you and for your kids. <a href="">alex</a>

On Minimum wage rise recommended

Posted 9 June 2015, 6:46 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

Padrino's new album is purely fabulous. i like bahamian style, it is so full of positive thoughts and can bring some postivie attitude in you day. good job, Padrio, and god bless you! <a href="">padrinofan</a>

dani says...

poor Hard Rock. what they did wrong? they are only a company which is selling cheap things like they are luxory goods. not bad :) <a href="">alex</a>

dani says...

So you are saying that people who murder and not necessary mental ill? or, people with mental illness rarely commit serious offences like murder and rape. What i understand from here is that a healthy mind can commit murder, and i can't be agree with something like that. ccorrect me if i am wrong. <a href="">dani</a>

dani says...

i like when people use their talents to make their culture popular. Georgina Ward-Rigby is a good example for Bahamian culture, and she is involved in so many projects. <a href="">Bravo!</a>

dani says...

Their interest it's not to offer affordable access to the medical system, but to make money. more money. and it happens all over the world not only in Bahamas. good point of view expressed in this article and i am really agree with <a href="">you.</a>

On Affordable dream

Posted 1 June 2015, 4:48 a.m. Suggest removal

dani says...

On Cutting the ribbon at hospital cafe

Posted 10 October 2014, 5:58 a.m. Suggest removal