Comment history

darius says...

Oh God! I can't begin to say how angry this makes me? How can you be so irresponsible? This is horrible! They deserve serious punishment. I can't even feel sorry for them. [Ionut][1]


darius says...

Well, I think we shouldn't be surprised that most people have waited until the last moment to get their new passports. It's in our nature. Plus, usually these things fade over with time and then you're left with something you don't need. [iulia][1]


darius says...

I can see why people would move there. It's a nice place with a lot of beautiful sights and lots of nature. I'm sure it's a good place to live. [Andrei][1]


darius says...

Thank you for clearing things up! I think it's very good that you are accountable for your mistakes and admit them. It's only one of the things that make you trustworthy. <a href="…">darius</a>