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dd says...

No bail for the man who merdered kitley St.brave. Put him in jail and throw the key in the ocean, by enagua. or order 3 wild lions and put him and them in the prison yard,with a short school skirt and some boots and a bra and give him a cutless to fight with the lions, and let the family watch them kill him.
And my cundolaance to the family, I hope god give you justice,
may kitley's soul rest in peace.

On Weekend of violence

Posted 2 August 2012, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

dd says...

I have three sons, one 9,5,2.I just was saying that when they get to the age of 12 i'll have to send them to to a next country because it looks like they want kill all they young boys in nassau. no more prime ministers to run the bahamas becase all they getting kill for simlple reasons. i know they covered under the blood of the lamb but i just want to send they someplace else. u dress good they want kill u,u look bad they want kill u, you quik they want kill u, u noise they want kill u, u enn on they run they want kill u, they ask u for money and u tell them pay u back they want shoot u, so what u want us do?.....jealous war in nassau!

dd says...

when a person shots a person they had that idea long time, he had that in his heart. when he kill you he got you in the right trap. so thats why if someone comitte a merder the law put the should be that the merder should berry the body. And after he commite the crime he send someone to the grave were you will never see someone you love anymore, they put the merder in jail and he whole family,wife,sweetheart,girlfrend,and he friend cuold go see him and includ all his friends could go see him and you cant see the one you love because he in a cascat 25 feet below the ground and when you look the merder out on bail, they should put these merders in jail and throw the key on the ocean. they shouldnt be alowed to see the day light. or come out and work,live and talk to other people.....them prisoners i saw on tv i want know if they is merders or they do lil things? caz i see they getting deplomas....there humans just like us but if someone do u something let it go because human dont give life. why when they finish kill why they have to run and hide,why he cant be a man and wate for the police?

dd says...

When he get bail what about the eye witnesses that took the stand, I want to bring to your attention that there was an innocent woman that stood as an eye witness to a merder of ruberdean lean of poinceana drive her name is micheal, she use to live in the back of the meat market on poinceana drive she got killed the night before the tril..the police found her body in her home,they killed her worst than an animal. they raped her and after they killed her they placed a kalik botal in her vagina. she only got killed because she was an eye wittness if she was'nt an eye witness she would have been alive today because she's a good woman.The man that killed micheal camitted a next merder to get bail. He got bail for the merder because he killed her. When these people decide to kill some one let the merder's family bery the body because sometimes the family dont have no money to bery the person. These gedes need to make it a demand for the merder's family to berry these people because, the mother cries to kinds of teris one is for the body and the other one is wondering were she'll get the money to berry the body. lets look at it like that make the change now,when the merder is done berring the body send him in jail. them people in white skin needs to say something. You think if someone kill my son and i see him on bail i wouldnt kill him, i'll see him on the road and i'll run him down and reverse on him to make sure i kill him. the bible says if you kill you should be killed by the wepon that was use.

dd says...

well when you look at the system of the bahamas the PLP has always been stating that they'll deal with the crime rate in the bahamas, but when you look at the situations, woman bring other men into their husbans home when the husban isnt home while he's out busting his back for her, na when he finds this out and catches her he has a choice 1. cut her up,beat her, kill her. 2.walk away and leave her....we all know not all men would walk away. So how on earth is the PLP going to stop crime, they'll sleep in every one house? the PLP and the FNM cant stop crime. PLP cant stop crime!

On PLP 'soft on crime' claim

Posted 20 May 2012, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

dd says...

FNM is the wiiner because we deliver. if the bahamian dont vote for FNM they dont know what they want, we gat a new airport,new roads, new hospital brand new schools,eg T.G.Glover, the school that PLP promise and never bild and T.G.Glover is the #1 school. A brand new stadium,the baha mar hotel round abouts that we cant count,my car tirer dont have to go zig zag zig.boom,bum.ram bam.sam now i run my car so smooth, when i driving i have to keep singing so i dont fall asleep that how smooth my car is run on the roads...see we deliver he create new jobs. so who u want? so lets keep there big fingers out our cookie jager. PLP go out out and stay out. DNA you enn there yet!..... our prime minister love love love the people
and FNM we are the best.

On Graffiti assault on dog

Posted 24 April 2012, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

dd says...

FNM is the wiiner because we deliver.
if the bahamian dont vote for FNM they dont know what they want, we gat a new airport,new roads, new hospital brand new schools,eg T.G.Glover, the school that PLP promise and never bild and T.G.Glover is the #1 school. A brand new stadium,the baha mar hotel round abouts that we cant count,my car tirer dont have to go zig zag zig.boom,bum.ram bam.sam now i run my car so smooth, we i driving i have to keep singing so i dont fall asleep that how smooth my car is run on the roads...see we deliver
he create new jobs.
so who u want?
so lets keep there big fingers out our cookie jager.
PLP go out out and stay out.
DNA you enn there yet!.....
our prime minister love love love the people

On Graffiti assault on dog

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal