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deablo01 says...

This Randy Butler always looking for face time, why is it that all the big black ugly ones always want to be seen, go to hell.

deablo01 says...

Island boy, I am quite impressed with your response, because your response was so sensible and logical, I figured that you may have been a Bahamian that is currently not living in the Bahamas, or one of the sensible ones that eventually found a way out of a country that is on the verge of becoming the next Rwanda

This generation of Bahamians will never be able to relate to your humane post, simply because a Barbaric way of living seem to be a comfortable way of life for them.

all Bahamians seem to have sense for is to jump up and down on Clifford park in these political t-shirts in support of having these pirates elected, while the very ones elected using their contacts and forming relations overseas for when the shit hit the fan they can be on the first thing smoking out of that hell hole.

I am Bahamian and yes let's face it the Haitian kids can run circles around the Bahamian kids as it relates to academics, the average Bahamian parent always seems to more interested in what the child will be wearing or what vehicle they would be driving in for Prom.

I just read and article the other day about Haiti now producing IPads, from a local factory in Haiti using Haitian factory workers, and your government still encouraging Bahamians to become maid, bellman's and bus boys, be careful how you treat these people, simply because the Bahamas is already what Haiti use to be.

deablo01 says...

I think that it's the culture we just seem to have never been a people of Maintenance and up keep.

On Cemetery condition ‘a national disgrace’

Posted 10 November 2014, 4:06 a.m. Suggest removal

deablo01 says...

Mr Munroe, giving you money every Sunday to support your opulent lifestyle, to fund your mansions and private jet, while your members catch the bus to and fro, and eat Cond beef and white rice daily is also a deception. Hogs!

On 09012014 EDITION

Posted 7 September 2014, 5:34 a.m. Suggest removal

deablo01 says...

I truly have a hard time understanding why people, return to this, Bahamas hell on earth after their schooling is completed, people fail to understand that until the British return, nothing will ever be done fairly with the colored's in charge, we are our own worse enemies.

deablo01 says...

for the richest country in the Caribbean, why we always accepting handouts, this is a cause that should be dear to the government, why is it that Atlantis has to start the cause, it is clear what is priority to the government and that has never been the educational development of the people, they are to occupied taking photos with stars. Idots

On Atlantis Against Illiteracy

Posted 28 October 2013, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

deablo01 says...

Poor guy he will come around once he experience that hell hole fulltime lololol

deablo01 says...

karma Karma Karma Karma! the things you do come back Randy Butler, there is no conspiracy as it relates to Bahamas Air, the pilots just want to be treated like human.

On Sky Bahamas pledge: 'We will survive'

Posted 23 October 2013, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

deablo01 says...

only one who feels it knows it, everybody in Aviation knows that Randy Butler is not a nice person, and for the individual that made the statement that there are quite a number of young pilots that could have the job, I do agree but I can assure you that after a few years of working for Randy Butler, they would be taking the same course of actions, sky and western all have a huge turnover and it is simply because , the individuals that run these airlines are savages and refuse to treat their staff as human, being an aviation professional myself I urge young individuals in this profession to seek employment overseas if you have a passion for what you do, your employment would not be pleasant one working for those BLACK hard heeled modern day pirates, it is great that they all took a stand one time, it may be scary but greater things to come for each and every one of the pilots, Mr butler always thought that Bahamians were stupid, now here is your chance to recruit, pilots from the south American rain forest.

karma is a bitch.

On Ten pilots lose jobs in Sky Bahamas overhaul

Posted 21 October 2013, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

deablo01 says...

this situation is one that is loud and clear, people move planes, they do not move by them selves you are dealing with humans.

I am truly proud of the pilots for taking a stand on this matter, Mr butler like to bring in expats to do the job that can be done by Bahamians any way, go fish

do not mind that DNA mask, the man is a nasty individual as it relates to his ways, mortals fail to realize that the things you do come back.

for the individual that made the comment as it relates to Sky Bahamas ever employing female pilots, they did employ one or two not sure if they are still employed with the company.