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deconch30 says...


On deconch30

Posted 10 August 2012, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

deconch30 says...

While this was disappointing we must realize what the Bahamas such a small nation based per capita has done not only in the Olympics but sports as a whole.…
Check out these stats

On Shaunae injured, Arianna in semis

Posted 3 August 2012, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

deconch30 says...

One of the questions need to be asked is now that ZNS is a public broadcasting station what is its mandate and is there editorial independence.This could be the case of a GM who doesn't fully understand the restructured ZNS and quick to"pull the trigger" so to speak like if we were still in the days of the 70's and 80's.It is been said the FNM did it but does that make it right. A leader should surround himself with those that support him but, in our case ,he only has this privelege when it comes to choosing his Cabinet. You should not gutt every government department and replace them with croonies.Times have changed.Nowadays when people are put in positions where they lose everything ,then they have nothing to lose. A man/woman without nothing to lose is a very dangerous individual.

On Radio host claims victimisation

Posted 16 May 2012, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

deconch30 says...

At least id didn't take him upteen years to appoint a cabinet a positive start.

deconch30 says...

You would think all the damage Mr. Shane Gibson did in the last administration one would stay far way from him and Leslie Miller.I wonder if PGC doesn't have a trick up his sleeve to get rid of them for good because he knows leopards can't change their spots?